Discussion Post

 The article “Overview of the Police Use of Force.” Please respond to the following in a substantive post:  Consider this scenario: You are a police officer. You stop a vehicle, and the subject immediately jumps out with his right hand hidden behind his back. He begins to run toward your patrol vehicle. Would you or … Read more

Summative Assessment: The Concept of Justice

 Views on justice impact many areas of criminal justice, including the concepts of fairness, equality, and impartiality, and influence the ethical standards you apply in various situations in the field. Your views on justice and how you act in situations will affect the opinions others have of you in the communities you serve. Views on … Read more

corrections discussion post

  Selecting 1 of the 3 topics, you will be required to submit a 300-word minimum main topic posting. Please add your references to the main topic posting (required). You are encouraged to do research on the topic from other resources. You will be responding to a minimum of 2 classmates for this assignment. Each classmate’s … Read more

Discussion Post

Please respond to the following in a substantive post:  Compare/contrast reasonable suspicion and probable cause. Provide one example of a traffic stop involving reasonable suspicion and one involving probable cause.

Case Study

Overview  Law enforcement officers use two methods to investigate possible criminal activity: reasonable suspicion and probable cause. Reasonable suspicion means officers have a reasonable belief, sometimes called a hunch, that criminal activity may have occurred. They have no hard evidence to support their belief. Probable cause is more concrete. Probable cause means officers are not just suspicious … Read more

Reading Assignment #4 (International Terrorism)

READING ASSIGNMENT #4(CHAPTER 12:  Domestic Terrorism; CHAPTER 13: An Introduction to Homeland Security & CHAPTER 15: Homeland Security and Constitutional Issues) Assignment Type: Canvas Due Date: July 24, 2022 Possible Points: 100 Duration: 4-6 Hours Deliverable Length: 5-7 pages TEXTBOOK REFERENCES REQUIRED. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS BELOW: 1.  Categorize the forms of domestic terrorism. 2. … Read more

Extra Credit (Victimology)

Extra Credit Assignment (This is for those who wish to partake.) Chapter 5: Workplace Violence and Harassment Chapter 6: School Violence and Victimization (Assignment Due Date—July 24, 2022) Points Possible: 100 Project Duration: 12-14 hours Deliverable Length: 3-5 pages A)  List the types of workplace violence discussed by the State of California Department of Industrial … Read more

Assignment #3 (Victimology)

Chapter 3: Victims of Familiar Violence Chapter 4: Non-familial Violence and Victimization (Assignment Due Date—July 17, 2022) Points Possible: 100 Project Duration: 12-14 hours Deliverable Length: 3-5 pages A)  Explain how a person can be charged with stalking. What constitutes the offense? B)  Discuss the warning signs of an abusive relationship. C)  What common factors … Read more