Extra Credit (Victimology)

Extra Credit Assignment (This is for those who wish to partake.) Chapter 5: Workplace Violence and Harassment Chapter 6: School Violence and Victimization (Assignment Due Date—July 24, 2022) Points Possible: 100 Project Duration: 12-14 hours Deliverable Length: 3-5 pages A)  List the types of workplace violence discussed by the State of California Department of Industrial … Read more

Assignment #3 (Victimology)

Chapter 3: Victims of Familiar Violence Chapter 4: Non-familial Violence and Victimization (Assignment Due Date—July 17, 2022) Points Possible: 100 Project Duration: 12-14 hours Deliverable Length: 3-5 pages A)  Explain how a person can be charged with stalking. What constitutes the offense? B)  Discuss the warning signs of an abusive relationship. C)  What common factors … Read more

Reading Assignment #3

READING ASSIGNMENT #3 (CHAPTER 7: Nationalistic and Endemic Terrorism; CHAPTER 8: Background to the Middle East & Chapter 9 • Terrorism in Israel and Palestine )Assignment Type: CanvasDue Date: July 17, 2022Possible Points: 100, Duration: 4-6 HoursDeliverable Length: 5-6 pages TEXTBOOK REFERENCES REQUIRED. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS BELOW: 1.  Define nationalistic terrorism. 2.  Define the … Read more

undercover assignment

  The typical undercover operation is known as a buy and bust. That means that an undercover officer buys the drugs from the dealer and then arrests the seller. Or, the officer could do just the opposite by posing as a drug dealer and arresting the drug users after a purchase. That is known as … Read more

Assignment 2 (Victomolgy)

Chapter 1: Measuring and Understanding Violence Chapter 2; Victimization Theory Assignment Type: Canvas Due Date: July 10, 2022 Points Possible: 100 Project Duration: 12-14 hours Deliverable Length: 3pages  answer each question in 200 words or more Explain why only some violent crimes are reported to the police. What factors determine whether a crime is reported? … Read more

Assignment 2

READING ASSIGNMENT #2 (CHAPTER 4: Terrorism and the Media); Chapter 5 • Force Multipliers, Gender Roles, and Tactics & Chapter 6 • Long-Term Separatist Terrorism Assignment Type: Canvas Due Date: July 10, 2022 Possible Points: 100 Duration: 4-6 Hours Deliverable Length: 5 pages TEXTBOOK REFERENCES REQUIRED. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS BELOW: 1.   Explain how the … Read more

Supreme Court Police Rulings

 Review  articles and media on the Supreme Court decisions related to policing. Explore contemporary Supreme Court cases related to the case you selected. Use the Supreme Court of the United States blog or articles to find a contemporary case related to policing or corrections. Using APA format with at least 3 references write a 4 … Read more

Reflection 3

  Topic – Correctional Officers Risk Factors and Strategies for Safety and Wellness From the recommendations provided in the article , which one do you believe will be the most feasible and effective? You can discuss more than one policy.   Instructions and Formatting Requirements: Provide a comprehensive reflection of your critical thoughts on the … Read more

Supreme Court Opinion

Prior to beginning your written assignment, read the Excessive Bail (Links to an external site.) article and review all previous weeks’ materials concerning the 4th Amendment, due process, the right to remain silent, the right to counsel, cruel and unusual punishment and capital punishment. In the state of Denial, the Capital City Police have been watching … Read more