Law – Criminal Assignment 15

 Please read chapter 15, then: 1. Summarize the Chapter Review (200+) 2. Please choose any three sections of the chapter other than the Chapter Review and summarize them (only 50+ each)  The required book is Essential Interviewing and Counseling Skills:  An Integrated Approach to Practice, 2nd Edition, by Tracy Prout, Melanie J. Wadkins, and Tatianna … Read more

Law – Criminal Assignment 12

  Please read chapter 11, then: 1. Summarize the Chapter Review 200+) 2. What is termination? 3. Summarized the first paragraph under the heading Termination Issues(50+ 4. Please summarize the first paragraph under the heading Therapist-Initiated Premature Termination (100+) 5. Summarize the three paragraphs under the heading Interpersonal Psychotherapy (200+) Submit, and maybe plant some … Read more

Discussion 11

Central Florida has a lot going on all the time, and there are always going to be targets of opportunity. First, if you were given the task of identifying possible targets in the community, what would you include on your list, and why? Second, technology has advance significantly to help us catch terrorists. Are you … Read more

Final speech discussion

Submit a written critique of a professional speech delivered by a prominent public speaker you’ve chosen, using the guidelines below. Be sure to include the URL for the speech in your post. Use the name of the speaker or title of the speech as your post title. Try to select a speech your classmates have … Read more

Law – Criminal Airport Assignment

OVERVIEW Develop a report for airport administrators. This report must include a risk analysis and recommendations for minimizing threats and vulnerabilities. As with the Airport Assessment: Initial Assignment, this assessment is based on your knowledge gained from the information in this course and any outside sources you locate (scholarly, governmental, or academic). You will need … Read more

Week 1 Discussion

 In what ways do you believe that the criminal justice system can ensure fair and equal treatment for all? Based on your thoughts (supported by resources), discuss whether or not you believe that the law implies justice and why or why not?  Be sure to use course readings, or other academic sources, to support your … Read more

Art exhibit

Share your art exhibit with the class by posting your submission to the discussions area.  View your classmate’s exhibits and comment on their selected artworks and presentation. In addition to sharing your exhibit, share your final thoughts about what you’ve learned and how you feel what you have learned in the class will influence your … Read more

crjs475 dp

  In an investigation being conducted by the state crime lab, senior investigators have called your company, AB Investigative Services, to provide advice concerning the interception of wire, electronic, and oral communications. The current individual suspected to be the source of the crime used a library computer to send and receive e-mails. The librarian walked … Read more

Art abstract work

Select an abstract work of art from this week’s readings, from the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History website, or any reputable art museum site (cite the source and include an image). Is it necessary to know the title of the piece to fully appreciate the work, or any other non-representational work? Why or why not? Defend your … Read more