Discussion board

  After completing Read: The Case for the Contingent Exclusionary Rule, respond to the following: Based on the article and your current level of exposure to the topic of constitutional criminal procedure, outline your position as to how Dripps’ model would work in the real world. Refer to Watch: Introduction to Criminal Procedure found in Module 1: Week 1. State whether Dripps’ Model … Read more

Discussion board

 What is an emergency organization? Describe issues with actual organizational response and effective organizational response. Relate your discussion to the findings in either Case Study 1 or Case Study 2 from this module: week’s textbook readings. Clarify the issues being discussed by relating them to scriptural and biblical principles and personal experience. 

Discussion board

 Discuss different factors related to the reporting of myths as facts in mass media. In your discussion, include the various reporting sources (e.g., local, network, and print). How does reporting (facts and myths) affect the general population and decision makers? Clarify the issues being discussed by relating them to scriptural and biblical principles and personal … Read more

Discussion board

 Officers are trained to handle emergencies first, before securing the crime scene, even if valuable evidence could be lost or destroyed. Why is this critical? What factors should the responding officer consider when he realizes that he is on a “hot” call– a potentially dangerous situation that is currently unfolding? Which one of these factors played … Read more

Discussion board

 Disaster research is available to emergency management practitioners from a variety of sources. Which source do you find most valuable and why? Find an article or presentation about a disaster research study from that source. Write a summary about how the study supports your position. Clarify the issues being discussed by relating them to scriptural … Read more

Discussion board

 Define the term “disaster.” Then, choose a disaster category, describe the applicable phase(s) of emergency management, and discuss any sociological theories that must be considered. Clarify the issues being discussed by relating them to scriptural and biblical principles and personal experience. 


  After reading Slater’s Prison Break article, which discusses both the Norwegian prison system and the Prison Chief Bertsch’s application of those principles in the NDDCR, discuss the following points: What is your opinion of Leann Bertsch’s attempt to model the North Dakota state prison system after the Norway prison system? Do you believe the … Read more

Discussion board

 Similar to Module 5: Week 5, using the 4 classical phases of disaster management, discuss how collaboration between public and private organizations can support phases 3 and 4 of the model. Choose a threat/hazard/disaster different from the Module 5: Week 5 Discussion prompt. Describe the possible interactions and involvement of each organization. Include in your discussion specific … Read more

Discussion board

 Research Aafia Siddiqui, her background, her arrest, and her prosecution. In your research for outside sources pay attention to the materials in addition to maps, etc., found on her person during her arrest in Afghanistan. Focus on whether she is a terrorist or not, separate from the outcome of her trial. (A simple Google is … Read more

Discussion board

 Following the homegrown jihadist terrorist attacks in Orlando and San Bernardino, there is a growing debate about the relationship between community policing and homeland security. Is community policing a tool that should be applied to homeland security? Why or why not?