Identify whether you were assigned a pro or con position. Based on the position you were assigned, present an academic case, pro or con, to the statement “Michael Jackson was a pedophile.” i was assigned con
Identify whether you were assigned a pro or con position. Based on the position you were assigned, present an academic case, pro or con, to the statement “Michael Jackson was a pedophile.” i was assigned con
Students will submit a research paper comparing and contrasting 2 or more theories of crime and developing an integrated crime theory with components of both existing perspectives. This paper should be no less than 12 typed pages. Include the following elements: comparing and contrasting 2 or more theories of crime Develop an integrated crime theory … Read more
· Ashcraft v. Tennessee, 322 U.S. 143 (1944) Personal Evaluation, by answering the following: What are the overall conclusions of the case? What are the overall implications from the case as it relates to the subject-matter therein? Do you agree with the conclusion of the Court? Why or why not? If you disagree with … Read more
Discuss the pros and cons of capital punishment. Explain ethical and social justice issues related to capital punishment. Explain whether you support the use of capital punishment and why or why not. In your explanation, include how ethical and social justice issues informed your argument. Your speech should be supported by research from at … Read more
Go to: https://study.sagepub.com/gau2e/student-resources/chapter-1/sage-journal-articles (Links to an external site.) Select one of the five research articles listed. Research the article using the library electronic databases and answer the following questions: 1. What is the primary focus of the article? 2. What kinds of data was captured in this study? 3. What did the authors conclude in their … Read more
What is the role of criminal justice practitioners in the development and implementation of technology in the criminal justice system? Describe some of the controversial issues criminal justice policymakers face when considering an expansion in the use of DNA in criminal justice.
Read about these two cases provided in this module’s Learning Resources. Also, review these Learning Resources: National Institute of Justice, “The Use-of-Force Continuum” Community Oriented Policing Services, “Use of Force” Locate a video link on the Internet that involves police use of force. The video should be less than 5 minutes long. Ensure that … Read more
For this assignment, you will provide an annotated bibliography for three peer reviewed Journal Articles as sources and provide the complete source information using APA 7 citation. The sources DO NOT include web pages, links or news sources, movies, documentaries, law review articles, or personal communication. Also, avoid reports and books for this assignment. … Read more
Answer the following questions and upload your work to Canvas. Explain the background and significance of Kent v. U.S. (1966). Can a juvenile be sentenced to death? Explain the history behind why this is or is not the case? Explain the differences between the different types of juvenile waivers. Define transnational crime, and provide two … Read more
Choose one of the current controversies discussions in the text book from the list below: Chapter 13: Have Zero Tolerance Policies made Schools Safer? pp. 320-321 Chapter 13: Should Juvenile Court be Abolished? pp. 322-323 Chapter 14: Should Enemy Combatants be Denied Due Process Rights? pp. 345-346 Chapter 14: Does Immigration Impact Crime? pp. 348-349 … Read more