Nursing Preparing Interview Questions for “A Cultural Interview” Assignment

Go to Module 3 Assignment: Cultural Interview Assignment for detailed instructions. In preparation for your Module 3 assignment, choose a cultural group that is different from your own background and plan to interview someone from this culture. The goal is to explore a culture that you will likely encounter in your nurse practitioner role. Using … Read more

Sociology culture ec

   Choose any two lines from the song and explain what you think each of them means. Be detailed and thorough.   2. Choose a different third line from the song and relate it back to the course material. (Hint: Unit 5 may be the most applicable but you can use anything you’ve learned in … Read more

Cultural Sociology 6

Write a one paragraph summary of “Tattooing the Body, Marking Culture.” How is it relevant to the course material in this unit? 2. What is the most interesting thing you learned from the “Body Size and Culture” slides and article? Why did you find it interesting? 3. Think of the micro-politics, the power struggles and attempts … Read more

Education Edu 512 week 2 discussion

Educators should have an understanding of their own perspectives about various cultures. This is known as cultural competency. Identify and discuss two ways that having strong cultural competency as an educator can impact students in a positive manner. Support your points with at least one piece of scholarly research.

Cultural sociology

1. What is a recent event that “just happened” but became culturally meaningful? Why did this event become meaningful while many other things that “just happened” did not? Be very specific and detailed. 2. How is the Black Lives Matter movement framed? Be specific and discuss at least two ways it is framed. (This may … Read more

Cultural Sociology

   1. Write a short summary of “The $12 Million Stuffed Shark” and explain how it is relevant to the material we covered in this unit. 2. Where should sociologists focus their study: high culture or popular culture? Why? 3. Apply some of the theories from cultural sociology that we have learned thus far to … Read more

Subculture in the U.S

 How is Becker’s article “Art Worlds” relevant to the material we have covered so far?  How is “Framing Fat” (the book summarized in the assigned blog post) relevant to the material we have covered so far?  Select a subculture within US culture, perhaps one that you are a part of such as a religious group, … Read more


  you will be asked to read, watch, research, and attend different events that have to do with art, literature, music, architecture, and history    Your notebook should have five sections: Events List* – A list of events in your surrounding area that are related to Humanities subjects Event Reports* – Reports for each of the … Read more

Psychology Culture Assignment

 Watch at least 2 episodes of any television situation comedy. After watching the programs, identify any minority characters and describe how any one of these minority characters was portrayed. Detail if the portrayal was accurate or stereotypical and whether the character’s minority status alone was used as a source of humor.