Cuban Discussion

Mrs. Demetilla Hernandez is a 63-year-old Cuban woman who seeks consultation at the Liberty health-maintenance organization (HMO) clinic because of weakness, lethargy, and fatigue that she has experienced for the last 2 months. A week ago, while cooking dinner at her daughter, Mariana’s house, she momentarily lost her balance and slipped on the kitchen floor. … Read more

Cuban Discussion

Cuban Discussion Mrs. Demetilla Hernandez is a 63-year-old Cuban woman who seeks consultation at the Liberty health-maintenance organization (HMO) clinic because of weakness, lethargy, and fatigue that she has experienced for the last 2 months. A week ago, while cooking dinner at her daughter, Mariana’s house, she momentarily lost her balance and slipped on the … Read more


Application of Course Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail. Reflect on your learning experience in this course. Which concepts stood out to you and made an impact?  How do you envision using these concepts in your future nursing practice as a master’s prepared nurse practitioner? Describe how course learning activities and assignments will help you achieve … Read more

Wk 6 discussion: change and culture

Identify a change that you implemented or was implemented at an organization with which you are familiar. Based on the article you read in the discussion preparation, discuss if the organization survived or thrived during the change and what impact it had on the organization’s corporate culture. If the organization is surviving, what course of … Read more

multiculturalidadForo de discusión 2. Vivir en Florida: inmigración y multiculturalidad

multiculturalidadForo de discusión 2. Vivir en Florida: inmigración y multiculturalidad En el Módulo 1 has leído dos artículos: “Las dos caras de emigrar a la Florida” y “Anglos e Hispanos”. Ambos tienen que ver con la diversidad cultural y étnica que caracteriza la región del Sur de la Florida y la inmigración. Vamos a tener … Read more

Nursing Preparing Interview Questions for “A Cultural Interview” Assignment

Go to Module 3 Assignment: Cultural Interview Assignment for detailed instructions. In preparation for your Module 3 assignment, choose a cultural group that is different from your own background and plan to interview someone from this culture. The goal is to explore a culture that you will likely encounter in your nurse practitioner role. Using … Read more

Sociology culture ec

   Choose any two lines from the song and explain what you think each of them means. Be detailed and thorough.   2. Choose a different third line from the song and relate it back to the course material. (Hint: Unit 5 may be the most applicable but you can use anything you’ve learned in … Read more

Cultural Sociology 6

Write a one paragraph summary of “Tattooing the Body, Marking Culture.” How is it relevant to the course material in this unit? 2. What is the most interesting thing you learned from the “Body Size and Culture” slides and article? Why did you find it interesting? 3. Think of the micro-politics, the power struggles and attempts … Read more

Education Edu 512 week 2 discussion

Educators should have an understanding of their own perspectives about various cultures. This is known as cultural competency. Identify and discuss two ways that having strong cultural competency as an educator can impact students in a positive manner. Support your points with at least one piece of scholarly research.

Cultural sociology

1. What is a recent event that “just happened” but became culturally meaningful? Why did this event become meaningful while many other things that “just happened” did not? Be very specific and detailed. 2. How is the Black Lives Matter movement framed? Be specific and discuss at least two ways it is framed. (This may … Read more