Museum Observation

Museum Visit Observation PLEASE USE THE PICTURE I PROVIDED (artist: Hervé Télémaque) 1. Formal properties  Visual elements – colors, value, texture, movement, contrast, light, geometric or organic shapes, lines, time, motion, rhythm Composition – balance, focal point, movement, direction, repetition, proportion, balance, symmetry Space – how is the illusion of space created or not created … Read more


 A paragraph summary of your thoughts on this class, (what you learned, how you will apply these skills etc.) about interior design class INDS 1301  which have    Element composition  Principle composition InDesign presintations 

History scavenge

QUESTIONS Pick one topic from this week’s MEDíA Write your interpretation of how the information was presented Search for related materials online Write a summary Explain your understanding of the topic and your find Do your findings sync? READ THRU and comment on other students’ posts Respond to comments in your thread Click THUMBS UP … Read more