
Health Promotion & Role Development in Adv. Nursing Practice-DBX-DL01   Discussion Topic Cardiovascular wellness is an essential topic for health promotion for adults because heart disease accounts for one out of every three deaths reported each year in the United States. Additional reasons for the importance of this topic are that at least half of the … Read more


Differences and similarities between anxiety disorders, ocd and ptsd   describe at least one assessment/measurement instrument specifically for one of the three disorders  Tell us about the instrument and what constructs /symptoms it specifically measures.  How feasible is it to utilize with clients? You also will need to let us know if it has good reliability … Read more


The role of Professional organizations and associations is crucial in creating energy, collaboration, and sharing ideas among members. Research and share the mission statement of one professional organization you want to join. What are the specific opportunities for professional development and leadership in this organization?


Reflect: It is time to think about what you have learned in this module and reflect on how it fits with your professional experiences and prior knowledge. In this Evolve activity, you will simply assess how what you have learned this week compares to what you knew previously and how it might benefit you in … Read more


What implications might represent how we view people of different cultures or identities? Is there any conceptual difference in having biased representation – or no representation at all – in a news show as opposed to a reality television show or a crime drama or comedy show?

Fin D1

Assume that you work for a healthcare organization and a patient wants to learn more about the cost for a procedure ordered by their provider. They have asked the following questions to Patient Scheduling: How much would the procedure cost because I have not yet met my deductible? Do I need pre-authorization? Is there a … Read more