Wide Wings Media LLC

Wide Wings Media and Advertising Agency is a UAE-based marketing company that offers varied digital marketing services to an ever-growing roster of clients and industries. At Wide Wings Media, we are fueled by the prospect of bringing creative ideas to life. We love to create content and develop inventive and socially viral campaigns. We work … Read more

week 3 discussion

Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum: Read:  In Laubacher et al.’s (2023) An Introduction to Social Science: Individuals, Society, and Culture Chapter 5: Sociology Chapter 6: Anthropology and Human Geography Chapter 7: Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences

research checkpoint

  Week 2 Research Checkpoint [WLOs: 1, 2, 3, and 4] [CLOs: 2, 3, 4, and 5] As was laid out in the Week 1 and Week 2 lessons and the Week 1 Discussion, you will be working on your final assignment throughout the course. In Weeks 2 and 4, you will keep your instructor … Read more

social problms

 In this discussion, you will begin the work, as a class, to unpack the fundamental questions sociologists ask when studying social problems (as per C. Wright Mill’s Sociological Imagination–what you unpacked in the previous QA assignments).  This will include picking a social problem to focus on personally all quarter (for the final) and unpacking it … Read more

career path

  Here are some additional places to LOOK: Social work websites.docDownload Social work web sites.doc The purpose of this assignment is to explore career paths in the Social Service field.  The job announcements will expose you to the vocabulary of the industry, point out education and experience requirements, and give you an idea concerning salary … Read more


Differences and similarities between anxiety disorders, ocd and ptsd   describe at least one assessment/measurement instrument specifically for one of the three disorders  Tell us about the instrument and what constructs /symptoms it specifically measures.  How feasible is it to utilize with clients? You also will need to let us know if it has good reliability … Read more

Thesis and Outline

Topic:  The Effects of the Internet Cause:  the internet Effects:  You tell me For this assignment, you need to submit your thesis statement and outline that can be used for the topic above. Remember, a thesis statement is ONE sentence that tells your topic

Coca-Cola #ShareaCoke

 Provide a summary of the ad or include a screenshot, and explain what the intent behind the ad is.  From there, look at what the ad actually says (like the beer ad from Module 3 says that women are sex objects). Describe how social media plays into the intent and the actual message? What made … Read more

Through self-reflection, mention the competences, behaviors and roles that, in your opinion, should characterize a generalist social worker.

  Through self-reflection, mention the competences, behaviors and roles that, in your opinion, should characterize a generalist social worker. Questions to consider 1. Why is it important to master skills in mainstream social work? 2. Of all the roles, which do you feel most identified with and why?  Through self-reflection, mention the competences, behaviors and … Read more


 Post an assessment of the trauma the adolescent has experienced and how that may impact their development. Bearing in mind that environmental concerns have been addressed, utilize your advanced-level skills to identify a modality that is appropriate for the developmental stage. Finally, describe some assumptions and pitfalls of the modality as it relates to the population.   *This is a Social … Read more