
How do you plant to foster strong and caring relationships within your classroom between students and teacher, and students with each other?  What types of strategies do you plan to implement to optimize these relationships and a sense of a classroom community.


Resources To Use:  https://www.cdc.gov/about/sdoh/index.htmlLinks to an external site.    Benda, N. C., Veinot, T. C., Sieck, C. J., & Ancker, J. S. (2020). Broadband internet access is a social determinant of health!Links to an external site.. American Journal of Public Health, 110(8), 1123-1125. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2020.305784   Romain, C. V., Trinidad, S., & Kotagal, M. (2022). The effect of social … Read more

Discussion 4-informatics class

Week Four Discussion Choose ONE of the two topics below to write about for the Week Four Discussion.   Option 1 – What actions can individual health care providers take in the next three years to advance the benefits of telehealth for their profession? Option 2 – What is the value proposition for healthcare providers to … Read more

Identifying Stakeholders

   Describe the primary and secondary stakeholders at the organization at which you plan to conduct a project. Elaborate on any known or anticipated conflicts or competing interests between the groups and any known or anticipated strategic alliances. How would you envision these relationships and interactions affecting your ability to build support for a program … Read more


Not-for-profit organizations use many fundraising strategies to accomplish their missions. Some of these strategies include planned giving, grants, corporate gifts, sponsorships, and individual contributions. Answer the following questions in your initial discussion post: If you were the CEO of a not-for-profit organization, which two fundraising methods would you choose, and why? Provide a link to … Read more

discussion board

1) What do you expect to observe or have you observed to be barriers to and facilitators of the good health of your community? 2)What factors of the community do you believe positively or negatively impact the health of the individuals in your community? 3)How can the nursing profession positively impact these factors? Include at … Read more

6340 w2 D1

Good day writer,  Please see the attachments for the assignment instructions. Please let me know if anything additonal is needed.  https://youtu.be/wKKIpeYnLQ4 https://youtu.be/BOw0IDrKvuw

6340 W1 Reflection

Good day writer,  Please see the attached instructions for the assignment. Below is my initial post. Please use the previous 6340 attachments for readings.  W1 D1 Good day all, 1. What skills do you believe are important for a consultant to be successful? I believe success in consulting demands effective communication, analytical skills, and adaptability. Effective … Read more

Discussion + 2 Res

Small discussion needed + 2 responses . please read instructions- write a discussion and include the prompts given In the instructions. read 2 of my classmates discussions and write 2 responses to their discussions. 

Accounting for Financial Reporting

 Reflect on what we have studied this week.  Discuss an aspect of what we studied this week.  How have you used this concept in the your current business?  Or how do you see using a particular concept in the future?  Did you find anything of particular interest to you?  Please explain. Class Accounting for Financial … Read more