Write a summary of the document

Review the financial statements of any public corporation, government entity and not-for-profit agency.  Select any financial statement.  Compare and contrast the presentation of the financial statements.   What accounts for these differences?  Please write a one page and half 

Write a summary of the document

How have user’s needs impacted the development of accounting principles for the reporting of state and local government units? Should governmental units be held to a higher ethical standard based on their user’s needs as opposed to the user needs of private businesses? Please write and one page and half 


What is up with the world of pets? People have some wild weird animals for pets. It seems people are willing to domesticate indoors anything smaller than they are. They prefer to domesticate the 500-pound and up animal on a farm (except for Ming, the Siberian Tiger, who spent time in a Harlem flat). What … Read more

Write a summary of the document

Select three U.S. companies from the same industry and review their annual reports to determine their accounting policy on foreign currency translation.  Given their practice on this issue, do you think their financial statements comparable? Explain your answer Could be a general approach under accounting  between the technologies companies or automobile industry 

Write a summary of the document

Select three U.S. companies from the same industry and review their annual reports to determine their accounting policy on foreign currency translation.  Given their practice on this issue, do you think their financial statements comparable? Explain your answer. Please write a one page with references. I need a plagiarism report please

Economics Discussion 3

Topic: Do you think coffee is an elastic or inelastic good?  Use 2 of the determinants of elasticity that we learned about to justify your answer.  Do not use the time horizon, as it does not apply. Why is elasticity important? Why do we care if a good is elastic or inelastic?  How can this … Read more


   4 page , single spaced paper on any of the following topics. Use the internet to conduct the research. Please cite references. Read different material from internet, get the ideas, and then  write in own words. Suggested Topics 1. Money – what it is 2. Stocks 3. Bonds 4. Stock Exchange 5. Inflation  6. … Read more


Listen to this podcast about the market for human organs. Initial Response: Is there currently a surplus or shortage of human organs available for transplant? Using the demand/supply framework, explain how legalizing the trade for human organs will help move the market towards an equilibrium https://www.npr.org/2008/05/21/90632108/should-we-legalize-the-market-for-human-organs

This assignment will help you understand one of the most important concepts in the study of economics – opportunity cost. It will also help you see how almost every decision in daily life involves opportunity cost.v

Opportunity cost of your resource is defined as “the value associated with the next best use of that resource (which you must give up).” Decisions you make should reflect your opportunity cost, and not just your out-of-pocket costs. For example, if you decide to spend two hours of your time watching TV, the opportunity cost … Read more