Week 2 Discussion- Sustainability

Based on the articles you have read for Week 2 (see Modules – Week 2), please specify and discuss four points on how sustainable tourism may contribute to a destination’s economic development and sustainable growth. Please refer to concepts from the readings (articles provided for Week 2) to support your points.  

Social Science Sport Organization Revenue and Expenses Assignment

 OVERVIEW Based on official information from financial statements and reports or well-developed estimates in the popular financial press, list the revenue sources and amounts and major expenses and amounts of a sport related business entity (professional sports club, college athletic department, youth travel club, major sports event, sport governing body, summer camp, health and fitness … Read more

Economics 4

   As health care leaders, it is important to understand strategies for advocating and lobbying elected officials. This can lead to the development of policies or laws that can help drive improved equity and outcomes for all participants in the health care environment as well as a more sustainable financial future.

Economics 2

   As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you may sometimes be tasked with the need to complete a systematic evaluation as a way of improving your organization’s outcomes. In this assessment, you will have a chance to practice these skills by completing a systematic evaluation of a unit, facility, or organization that you are familiar … Read more

Finance and economics

– 28 multiple choice questions including a few calculation questions relevant to treasury management: capital markets and money markets, short term investing and borrowing  – 35 business economic multiple choice questions including a few calculation questions for friday

Wealth Management Analyst Project Part II

Appropriately partition the data set into income data, family structure, and retirement benefits. Experiment with various clustering methods and propose a final model for identifying counties/cities with a high level of accredited investors (investor). Also, suggest the investment products that should be offered to investors based on data.


your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can … Read more

Econ 351

There are 29 Questions. Can you do all the questions? Please first check all the questions in the video before the Bid.  Here is the Video Link: https://www.icloud.com/attachment/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcvws.icloud-content.com%2FB%2FAXGPMBTwz5R55jtyEl1rPsmPkig2AQH0g8J4ciFasCQFVJ2Ld35_CzCj%2F%24%7Bf%7D%3Fo%3DAshDjpvrjCKLrJfPcaYUxGLjl-Dxkca-y1PwKblEl3jT%26v%3D1%26x%3D3%26a%3DCAogVQFmrRLuAPdgh2bCYAqmcTK0FPW6kP01y7N5rQTUofwSehDAzMWU3zEYwNzA6OgxIgEAKgkC6AMA_zNqrwZSBI-SKDZaBH8LMKNqJ8j4Wl_FMWZTdkOwR_l6WrTsx1f0EhknO8kejC2KG0C32wS569ErxHInMTHHtKg6tU_tLT6LGzn7myGByf7pM2gEkkt4GI3LO3AOpCQKmCWu%26e%3D1711763631%26fl%3D%26r%3D65BA387A-E30E-4ED2-8023-23A921F49B8A-1%26k%3D%24%7Buk%7D%26ckc%3Dcom.apple.largeattachment%26ckz%3DF13CD90A-7368-4743-B1EA-F577E2E07604%26p%3D49%26s%3DLniBAKZjKHqKtLuS8ojmjK9woAU&uk=zZ9q6rqX8j7eSZYCGrIkhg&f=httpsvgroupmecom9889497320240229T014332Z647d92e720x1280r0mp4_..MP4&sz=23171827