Graphic Organizer

After completing the assignment on the benefits and types of Specific Learning Disabilities, you now need to select a graphic organizer of your choice to create a visual graphic organizer (using software, templates, etc.) about the seven main types of Specific Learning Disabilities.  This must be computer-generated and not hand-written. Select an appropriate graphic organizer … Read more

Family Perspective Project

Family Perspective Project In this project you will watch a documentary about a child and his journey with cerebral palsy. You will gather information about the family’s perspectives on: views of family involvement in education, views of teacher/parent roles, and views of disabilities. In addition, you will collect data to help you understand the family’s … Read more

Edu 501

Some will demonstrate mastery of written assessments while others will shine during projects, presentations, or artistic expression. How can students prove their mastery of your chosen standard in an alternative form? Create a performance assessment for your students. This will consist of four (4) parts: teacher GRASPS document teacher planning documents, interesting student copy (should … Read more

Edu 502

Write a letter to parents explaining the performance assessment and how the rubric will be used to grade their child’s submission. Items to include in your letter: a brief explanation of the task and the purpose behind the task; a summary of the rubric categories, how each category is scored, how the rubric score is … Read more

recording behaviors

Identify a challenging classroom behavior such as tardiness, inappropriate use of technology, or excessive talking. Use your textbook and at least 1 scholarly resource to describe and defend 1 strategy for counting and 1 strategy for graphing the behavior. Discuss how your chosen strategies are most appropriate for the behavior described, the student’s grade level, … Read more


Discuss the purpose of one phase of the 5E Instructional Model. Explain why the order of this phase makes sense in the context of developing science understanding Phase: Explore 

Education STEM Assignment

  Although most children are naturally eager to learn science, math, engineering, and technology concepts, some early childhood teachers shy away from teaching STEM topics. Sometimes, teachers avoid STEM subjects because they lack content knowledge and feel that they are not prepared to answer children’s questions or stimulate children’s critical thinking.  Although learning standards exist … Read more

4.3 Scholarly

  Explore how factors such as personality, motivation, resilience, and social influence contribute to leader and follower strengths and weaknesses. Assess how psychological components like identity, emotions, and self-efficacy relate to human performance in organizations. Explain how strategies for enhancing psychological capital may be productively applied in organizations. Discuss the challenges to implementing the strategies … Read more


Visit the Iris Center and complete the activity “He Just Needs a Little Discipline.” The activity can be found at: Use the included Star Sheets to address Matt’s inappropriate behaviors. Which of the three methods of treatment (behavioral, pharmacological, or multimodal) would you recommend for Matt and why?  (5 points) What additional strategies would … Read more