
 You will be engaging in community activities, i.e. co-curricular activities where you engage with at least one cultural event associated with one of these university programs(African and African Diaspora Studies (AADS); Communication, Architecture + the Arts (CARTA); Center for Humanities in an Urban Environment (CHUE); Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center;  Steven J. Green … Read more


As you were completing the Fraction Kit Activity, what Mathematical Practices were at the forefront of your work?  State specific evidence for your answer and discuss. Discuss why fractions should be introduced in context first.

Part 4 solution

I have attached the 4 four solutions part I turned it.  The final submission should be a continuation of part 3. The final solution I want to chose for my solution would be more parental engagement programs.  Include how it relates to George H. Oliver Elementary School Begin with an introduction paragraph explaining what you … Read more

5 rpl

Write 2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week. Guiding questions are provided or you may write about what you felt was most significant to you for the week. Was it difficult to find evidence related to your selected area of interest? What types of evidence were easiest to find (quantitative, qualitative, reviews, practice … Read more

U.S Government

1.Should bullying on the basis of a protected class or quasi protected class, such as gender identify, be approached differently than bully based for other reasons? Consider: Ninth Circuit backs student expulsions over racist Instagram posts Courthouse News Service (1 paragraph, 4-5 sentences, 1 scholarly reference) 2.Should bullying on the basis of a protected class … Read more


  In this introduction paragraph, gather your evidence and validate your assertions. Provide an introduction regarding the importance of identifying pros and cons of a solution. This should be supported by the literature; one paragraph, approximately 5-6 academic sentences with current scholarly literatureFor this part, you will create your literature review and a minimum of … Read more

Equal Protection and Public Education

 Choose ONE of the following groups: Classifications based on English language learners; Classifications through ability grouping/tracking; Classifications in academic programs based on gender; Classifications in sports programs based on gender; and Classifications to assign students to specific schools for racial balance.  Based on group selected this will assignment will Summarize the factual background on how the … Read more