
  a) Kant’s Categorical Imperative b) Mill’s Principle of Utility You must first explain the author’s argument then give a step by step argument explaining why you think the argument is plausible or implausible. If you defend the argument you must explain a possible objection (problem) and explain why the author would be able to … Read more

Critical Research Appraisal

critically appraise a research design Discuss what is meant by the term Qualitative Research The study, sampling, data collection, analysis, rigor, findings and limitations Discuss what you understand by the term Quantitative Research – Use the following dot points to guide your discussion (give reasons for your argument and support with references) Critique the Quantitative … Read more

Religion and ethics

Select two of the situations above and then address 2 of the following: 1.  What is the relation between ethics and religion? Formulate and investigate the relation. 2.  For each case, determine the ethical path of conduct. Then, determine what paths of conduct would be unethical 3.  For each case, what would an emotivism say … Read more

DB 2-Foundations in Theory

  Discuss a leader’s effectiveness using utilitarianism as the ethical decision-making approach in regard to the health care challenges set forth by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. Answers can be in the form of classical utilitarianism, consequentialism, rule consequentialism, or rule utilitarianism.

Transfer ut

Rate the three most important concepts that you learned in this course in order of importance (one being the most important). Propose two applications of this knowledge in your current or a future position.

Business Ethics & Social Responsibility

1. Answer the Ethical Question and include the following: 2. Include an ethical theory to support your answer 3. Include vocabulary from the chapter in your answer 4. NO AI, CHEGG, etc. 5. PPTX – is your only source   Questions  1. Discuss how this conflict of interest affects other salespeople, the organizational culture, and … Read more

Leadership and Ethics

Evaluate the leadership of a leader in your organization, or prior organization, in terms of the seven habits of ethical leaders. Determine one area in which this leader could improve upon, and suggest one action that this leader could take in order to do so. Note: Please do not identify workplaces or leaders by name. … Read more