Week 13-16 DQ posts

Week 13 DQ 1 Describe the three types of burns: thermal, chemical, and electrical. Explain the method to determine the percentage of body mass that has been burned. Describe a patient scenario with one type of burn and discuss the obstacles you may face in treating the patient. Support your summary and recommendations plan with … Read more

Week 12 DQ 2

Explain how to approach fluid resuscitation in the trauma patient. Discuss how and why your approach might differ if the patient is geriatric. Explain what comorbidities you must consider when resuscitating and why. Identify when you would choose normal saline vs. lactated Ringer’s solution vs. blood for fluid resuscitation. Provide a rationale for using each … Read more

Week 11 DQ 2

Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is often induced based on treatment prescribed by the provider. Discuss types of treatment that can lead to ARDS. Explain the assessment and radiographic findings of ARDS in a patient. Describe concerns that exist when managing the patient via the ventilator. Use research to support your response. Support your summary and … Read more

Week 10 DQ 2

Assessment Description Poisonous agents that are harmful to the human body exist in one’s environment for the convenience of daily activities. Patients could intentionally ingest these agents or have an accidental ingestion. Choose an agent that is readily available and discuss the physical and diagnostic findings associated with ingestion of the agent. Provide differential diagnoses … Read more

Week 9

A new patient has been brought to the intensive care from the C-section suite. The baby is healthy with normal APGAR scores. During closing, the surgeon noted a hemorrhage occurring in the abdomen. After the prolonged procedure to repair the artery was concluded, the patient had received 15 units of packed red blood cells, 10 … Read more

Week 4 DQ 2

You are part of a surgical team and your role is postoperative management of thoracic surgery. In your role, you are required to determine the course of action for the patient before you call the surgeon. A right lower-lobe resection occurred due to adenocarcinoma. The nurse has called at the 12-hour interval from surgery concerned … Read more

Week 3 DQ 2

You are assessing a patient who has presented to the emergency department with an acute onset of abdominal pain. List three differential diagnoses that would lead to immediate surgical consultation and what assessment findings lead to diagnoses. Support your answer with a minimum of two APRN peer-reviewed resources.

Week 2 DQ 1

You have been asked to clear a patient for an elective procedure. You are seeing the patient in the preoperative clinic. Respond to the following and support your summary and recommendations plan with a minimum of two APRN-approved scholarly resources. Discuss the areas of concern you would review. Develop a patient presentation as you may … Read more

Week 1 DQ 2

Respond to the following and support your summary and recommendations plan with a minimum of two APRN-approved scholarly resources. You must answer all parts of this discussion question to receive full credit. Explain why collaboration is important in managing a patient. What is your responsibility as an AGACNP in the outpatient setting? How does it differ from … Read more

Week 16 DQ 2

Provide one detailed example of each scenario listed and explain the regulatory language surrounding the action. Support your summary and recommendations plan with a minimum of two APRN approved scholarly resources. An appropriate inpatient admission for Medicare. An appropriate outpatient admission for Medicare. An example of an appropriate Medicare patient appeal for delay in discharge.