Discussion Topic

  Discussion Topic Post a total of 1 substantive responses Discover:  Have you ever thought about how much you rely on information in your life? Whether you’re preparing a report for your boss, listening to your child’s version of a story, or reading an article in the newspaper, you rely on information from a variety … Read more

see assignment in the word file

Complete the Finding and Using Information Worksheet. Note: This assignment will be graded using a rubric. For information on rubrics, please watch the Assignment Rubrics video. Submit your assignment by uploading your completed worksheet. Review the following support videos, as needed. For technical support, please contact our Student Technical Support line at 1-877-832-4867, so they … Read more

see assignment in the word file

Complete the Finding and Using Information Worksheet. Note: This assignment will be graded using a rubric. For information on rubrics, please watch the Assignment Rubrics video. Submit your assignment by uploading your completed worksheet. Review the following support videos, as needed. For technical support, please contact our Student Technical Support line at 1-877-832-4867, so they … Read more