Case 3

  Find 2 or 3 current (written within the last five years) journal articles related to the achievement gap relating to urban education, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Define the term achievement gap. Discuss federal policies or programs that have been implemented nationwide to address the achievement gap, diversity, equity, and inclusion in schools. A few … Read more


You are to create an original assessment based on the information presented in this course about the Kent State shooting of May 14, 1970. Your assessment will consist of multiple-choice questions, constructed-response questions.  Complete instructions are located in the Appendix section .


Please discuss neurological issues in the United States of America Include the following information in your post: Definitions of related terms Scope of problem (include data, statistics) Population(s), individuals involved Contributing factors Efforts to address Health, economic, and social impact Efforts to address the issue Personal reflection as a nurse about the issue related to … Read more

Real Estate Articles (Week 13 & 14)

  Participation  will consist of locating, submitting and commenting on current articles  related to real estate. Links to these articles are to be posted to  Article Participation under the Discussion Board. Do not post the  article itself, just its link. You are to read these articles and then  post your comments/thoughts about the article. When submitting … Read more


You will have your students for approximately 90 minutes a day per subject area that you teach. How will you fill that time? You will create and administer multiple formative assessments each day. These assessments will give you the feedback you need to know if your students are making progress towards mastering your standard. Some … Read more


Please discuss chronic cardiovascular diseases FLORIDA. Include the following information in your post: Definitions of related terms Scope of problem (include data, statistics) Population(s), individuals involved Efforts to address Health, economic, and social impact Efforts to address the issue Personal reflection as a nurse about the issue related to your practice contain at least two … Read more


Performance Assessment- Students demonstrate their abilities in a multitude of ways. Some will demonstrate mastery of written assessments while others will shine during projects, presentations, or artistic expression. How can students prove their mastery of your chosen standard in an alternative form? Create a performance assessment for your students. This will consist of four (4) … Read more


Write a letter to parents explaining the performance assessment and how the rubric will be used to grade their child’s submission. Items to include in your letter: a brief explanation of the task and the purpose behind the task; a summary of the rubric categories, how each category is scored, how the rubric score is … Read more