Computer Science – Java Assignment 1

Introduction to Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib Download Jupyter Notebook file -> CAP4611-HW1-Tools.ipynbDownload CAP4611-HW1-Tools.ipynb Follow the prompts in the attached Jupyter Notebook. Download the data from (Modules/ Datasets for Assignment) and place it in your working directory, or modify the path to upload it to your notebook. Before every code cell, add markdown cells to your analysis. … Read more

edu 602 dicussion

  Watch the video on addressing ADHD in the classroom by going to to an external site.. How can checklists and visual cues help students stay on task? How does the use of a timer help motivate students and help them focus?  Cite specific evidence from the video to support your position. 

Elevate Your Gaming Experience with OnlineCasinoMK’s VIP Bonus

  Welcome to OnlineCasinoMK, a pinnacle of online gaming where entertainment meets sophistication. As a distinguished player in the gaming industry, OnlineCasinoMK prides itself on offering a diverse array of games that cater to players of all preferences, from classic casino games to cutting-edge slots. Now, let’s explore the exclusive realm of rewards with OnlineCasinoMK’s … Read more


 From the case study use the one from susan Students will better understand the role delineation between OT and OTA practitioners. The OTA students will work together to develop short-terms goals and treatment interventions for a provided case study. They will use this collaborative opportunity as if it was a weekly OT/OTA supervisory visit. The … Read more

Architecture and Design Assignment help needed

Artwork website : Write 3 paragraphs. Paragraph 1: Who was the artist you chose?  What type of art are they known for?  When did they work? Describe the style of the artwork. Paragraph 2: What was the the original subject of the artwork you chose?  What do you believe the artist was trying to … Read more

Unpacking standards

 Select three standards from the appropriate course of study, given below, within the Alabama Course of Study folder.  For each standard, the candidate must address the following prompts: Write the standard in student-friendly terms. Break the standard down into measurable parts and present the parts in a sensible sequence. Identify the prerequisite knowledge and skills students need before mastery of … Read more

Discussion 2

 Let’s discuss: What is the strongest hurricane that has happened in the United States? Why did it happen? How many people died? What was the cost of the hurricane? Is there anything that humans could have done to lessen the impact of this hurricane? Can it happen again in the same place, or in a … Read more

Unlocking Insightful Perspectives: Linking Up with The Daily Blog

In the ever-evolving landscape of online discourse, The Daily Blog stands out as a beacon of thought-provoking content and insightful commentary. This New Zealand-based platform, renowned for its commitment to journalistic integrity and diverse perspectives, has carved a niche for itself in the digital realm. Navigating through reveals a treasure trove of well-researched articles … Read more

Reflexión sobre el costumbrismo

Reflexión sobre el costumbrismo. 400 palabras. Esta semana tenemos cuatro Powerpoints (PP) que tratan el arte y  la culinaria latinoamericana  en el siglo XIX.  En el Discussion Board (DB) comenta sobre  el costumbrismo latinoamericano y  las influencias culinarias en el siglo XIX y cómo la comida se convierte en símbolo de la identidad de la … Read more