Physics lab density

Use water displacement and a mass balance to determine the density of various objects in this interactive simulation of a classic physical science density lab.    Lab:  doc attached simulation link: rubric also attachedDownload Sim Density-Lab ver.doSimulation: to an external site.

topic proposal

topic proposal #1  Managing careers and retention. Employee life-cycle career management topic proposal #2 employees engagement  effective ways to enhance employee engagement

edu 501

  You will have your students for approximately 90 minutes a day per subject area that you teach. How will you fill that time? You will create and administer multiple formative assessments each day. These assessments will give you the feedback you need to know if your students are making progress towards mastering your standard. … Read more


  10 meaningful, informative slides (not including title and reference slides) Please do not paste a picture an a slide and expect it to count as an informative slide. You will be graded on presentation, creativity, and quality of the information. 3 sources

Were you surprised by your score?

 Step ONE: Download, complete, and score the attached Anti-Social Personality Inventory *Totals are calculated by adding up all your TRUE responses. Step TWO: In a brief, describe your thoughts and experience with the scale by responding to the prompts below. Were you surprised by your score? How did your score compare to the mean scores … Read more

Ensayo 2.

Ensayo 2. En 600-900 palabras y formato MLA 9, desarrolle las siguientes ideas en base al material leído y visto en los módulos  La lengua y la religión  fueron solo dos de  los aportes culturales traídos por los esclavos africanos a América. A estos se añaden  la culinaria, los bailes,  la música y otros que hoy … Read more

Edu 501

Some will demonstrate mastery of written assessments while others will shine during projects, presentations, or artistic expression. How can students prove their mastery of your chosen standard in an alternative form? Create a performance assessment for your students. This will consist of four (4) parts: teacher GRASPS document teacher planning documents, interesting student copy (should … Read more

Edu 502

Write a letter to parents explaining the performance assessment and how the rubric will be used to grade their child’s submission. Items to include in your letter: a brief explanation of the task and the purpose behind the task; a summary of the rubric categories, how each category is scored, how the rubric score is … Read more

Business Finance – Management Homework help

  1. What is the warranty of merchantability? 2. What is the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose? 3.  What is a disclaimer? 4.  What are the different ways in which personal property can be obtained? 5.  What is the difference between personal property and real property? 6.  What is a bailment of personal … Read more