
Do the excerpts from the s of Magellan’s journey provid us with any useful information about the native socities that Magellan encounterd?

American History

Topic: George Eastman Link to use: The parts of your new discussion thread: 1.  A subject line that describes your new thread. 2.  The APA-formatted reference for your web resource. 3.  An introductory paragraph, including a thesis statement. 4.  Three main paragraphs, each with an important point and supporting details/evidence/examples. 5.  A concluding paragraph. … Read more

MUSI 1306

3. Overview: It would be easy to assume that nearly all of the music you will study in the coming weeks was written for the sole purpose of being listened to. However, we often loose track of the fact that in many parts of the world, and for much of the history of Western culture, … Read more

1-2 activity

  Make certain to review the lists of more specific topics within each theme to choose your research topic. Then, describe your prior knowledge, beliefs, assumptions, and values related to your chosen topic. Finally, you will explain why you think this historical topic is relevant to contemporary society. Specifically, you must address the following rubric … Read more

HIstory 1301

 Discuss fully the accomplishments and shortcomings of Thomas Jefferson as President of the United States of America in his two terms from 1801-1809    Explain fully how the Transportation Revolution reshaped the lives of Americans in the early to mid-nineteenth century. 

Discussion 2

  Prompt(s): Read Percicle’s funeral speech – . 1) How does Pericles describe Athenian Democracy? 2) Does his argument for democracy derive from fundamental principles, such as human equality, or from the practical benefits that derive from such a system of government? 3) What kind of citizen does Pericles believe democracy produces? How might … Read more

Women’s Studies History Interview

You need to have complete an interview, decide on which Women’s Studies topics your report will cover, and identified supporting material in the learning resources. This must be 400-500 words. In the attached below is the project instructions explaining the name of the person you are interviewing and some information about them. Also attached is … Read more


Please answer each question separately and number your responses.  Each question should be answered in 1 – 2 well-developed paragraphs.  Please utilize and reference weekly materials in your responses.  Please reach out via email with any questions.   1.  What historical developments did the federal government consider to be justification for the passage and enforcement of … Read more

US History Since 1877

 Please provide a short to medium answer for this questions: 1 – The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands authorized by congress in March 1865. This organization’s purpose was to: 2 – Lincoln believed that southern Unionists could become the nucleus of new, loyal state governments in the South. However, this is the only … Read more