Psychology Homework

   Rebekah Roberts entered the United States as a mail order bride. At 28 years of age, she considered herself pretty lucky when the magazine she paid five hundred dollars to advertise herself called that they have found her a match. The 58-year-old man who picked her from a list of other women was a … Read more

Discussion Board

   For this week,  we will be discussing the Ethical issues faced in the field.   Please address the following question with in-text citations for your content.   How do issues of influence, control, and power affect service delivery?  My topic: Child & Adolescent Mental Health

Discussion Board

   In a social work practice that focuses on children, understanding the developmental stage and the learning theories for practice is important.  For this discussion, we are focusing on the social development of children ages 3-5 years.   Respond to the following:  Review the handout 40 Developmental Assets for Early Childhood.  Discuss one external asset … Read more

Discussion Question

 Research Stella Wash, keeping in mind the class discussion on gender. Share your thoughts (1) about Stella’s life in general and her circumstances, and (2) Explain why or why you do not think that Stella was treated fairly. Think about the era in which Stella’s journey occurred. Do you think the outcome would be same … Read more

Discussion Board

 Infancy & Childhood: Developmental MilestonesAs social workers, it is important to understand the risk factors that impact infants and children achieving these developmental milestones and know the interventions that are available in our communities.  The Centers for Disease Control has identified specific adverse childhood experiences (ACE) that impact human development (  Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) … Read more

Discussion Board

   Before you begin this week’s Db.  You will need to review Leavitt’s Diamond model and framework. A brief video is also available: to assist you in how to apply it to your workplace or field location.  Students should draw on the information they gleaned from their observations, review of agency documents, staff interviews, … Read more

Discussion Board

   This week we will study Erikson’s Psychosocial Development and the importance and value of assessing a client from a micro, meso, and macro level.  Within these levels of practice, a client’s developmental stage is another important factor. For this discussion, watch the interview of entertainer Rihanna. Video Link: Apply the ecosystems theory and … Read more

Human Services

In your post, describe the difference between empathy and sympathy. Apply what you’ve learned about empathy to the concept of intersectionality and clients’ vulnerability to oppression, discrimination, and marginalization in society. What is the human service professional’s role in empathizing with clients’ lived experiences? Use supportive material from the reading assignment, citing your source in-text … Read more

Psychology Homework

   Case Study Melissa  Melissa is a 20-year-old, high school graduate with a love for animals and poetry. She is diagnosed with Mental Illness. She has difficulty completing tasks correctly without reminders and maintaining focus in the face of outside distractions. Melissa needs verbal reminders but does not like to be critiqued. Melissa may elope … Read more

Discussion Board

   Topic: Mental Health Conditions and Substance Abuse in Adolescents ages 13-18 Utilizing the content from this course and the topic develop a research proposal. Please note: This is a proposal only.  The presentation must be a ppt presentation file of the student presentation of the proposal. The presentation must include: a Title slide, problem … Read more