Developing Human Resources- Individual Project 2

Review and reflect on the various components of human resources (HR) planning and retention, including motivation, retention, and turnover. Based on your review, reflection, and the materials presented this week in the course, respond to the following questions: In your opinion, what are the most important key concepts in HR planning and the HR planning … Read more

Human Resources- Discussion Board

Review and reflect on the connections between organizational culture and human resources. Using the course materials presented this week, answer the following questions: Discuss the importance of human resources (HR) and its influence on organizational culture. What are some of the HR strategic challenges faced by modern organizations? Have technology or the environment made an … Read more

part 3

1. Explain how organizations can temporarily increase the size of their workforce.  2. Provide a detailed summary of the basic legal issues involved in layoffs.  3. Distinguish between involuntary and voluntary turnover.  4. Discuss the process of progressive discipline and explain its importance to organizations.  5. What is employment at will? Comment on the positive … Read more

part 1

1) Briefly explain the evolution of the HR function in organizations.  2) Summarize the basic ideas underlying the human resource management (HRM) system concept.  3) Do you think HRM would have become more important even if laws such as the 1964 Civil Rights Act had never been passed? Why, or why not?  4) Who is … Read more

Human Anatomy Discussion Post

View TED TALK STROKE 1. No later than Wednesday post a SUBSTANTIVE INITIAL RESPONSE of your opinion of this video  Failure to post a Timely Substantial Initial Response -10 for lateness, -10 for incompleteness/lack of substance Poor posts (Ex. “That’s great!” “Really liked your post”) will receive zero points. You are to provide thoughtful posts … Read more

dp 8-2

Describe ways in which people experience grief and the functions it serves. Consider religious beliefs and cultural differences; as well as differences between child and adult, in your response. Access and read the GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work. How might a person with the Christian Worldview handle the stages of dying, … Read more

dp 7-2

Brainstorm ideas on how our country can move away from ageist negative stereotypes (as predicted by the disengagement theory) and move toward a more positive active role for senior citizens (as predicted by the activity theory).

dp 6-2

Using theories of Piaget, LaBouvie-Vief, and Denney and the concepts of fluid and crystalized intelligence, explain changes in cognitive functioning in early and middle adulthood.