Unit 3 IP: Health Information Systems Technology and Applications

 Description –  Deliverable Length: 6–8 slides  NOTE: Cite at least 2 scholarly references published within the last 5 years.  As the manager of the CTU Health Care Information Systems Department, you realize the need for seamless integration among all operating systems of the departments within the healthcare organization (HCO). Discuss the importance of electronic health … Read more


Course Objectives: Prepare a scholarly reflection  describing the artifacts in the e-portfolio and how they demonstrate skills, knowledge, real-world application, and mastery of the program objectives. Explain professional growth attained during the master’s program or explain your professional skills to a potential employer. Prompt Write a reflection  that: Reflects on your professional growth during the … Read more

Course Takaway

 2 paragraph- SWS format Reflect upon how this course resonated with you and the manner in which you have grown personally and professionally as a result of completing this course. How may you apply health care information management technologies in your future? How may technology be applied to health care in the future? Be sure … Read more

Telehealth and Virtual Medicine

 2 paragraphs, include reference. Student response will be posted under NOTE PAD.  How have health care providers taken advantage of telehealth and virtual medicine to promote access to patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic? What are some advantages and disadvantages of virtual health care? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ … Read more

Part 1/ Info Overload

Information Overload Challenges 1 ) Please summarize current research data on how we are bombarded with information as individuals (family and home lives, shopping, social media, news, gaming, etc.) as well as in our work in government organizations every day. 2) What are some of the consequences of information and sensory overload? 3) What has … Read more


Research the term “cyberwar.” How does using the internet to wage a cyberwar affect personal and corporate privacy? Should only governments have the right to conduct cyber warfare? Where does the responsibility of corporations fit in the cyberwar landscape?

Discussion 1.14.2024

 BY DAY 5 Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways: Explore additional ways that the technology experience of your colleague might impact you or change your practices. Share with your colleague your ideas for how they might adopt other technologies to be more effective as … Read more


1.  Browse through the chapters 5-8 Reading. 2.  Summarize the most interesting fact your learned from each Chapter Section.  Note:  you should have all 4 facts/application bullets for full credit on your initial post. 

cyber security

   · What types of critical systems, networks, and data constitute your organization’s information infrastructure? Provide a brief description of these types of assets, and where relevant, the roles that these assets play in the organization.  · Which of these critical assets are the most essential to your organization’s ability to accomplish its mission? Explain … Read more