Wk 6 E disucssion

  Read the article titled Ethical Risk Assessment by Anne Federwisch (Markkula Center for Applied Ethics) and respond in a minimum of 200 words to the below question. https://www.scu.edu/ethics/focus-areas/business-ethics/resources/ethical-risk-assessment/  Explain how the information gleaned from this article may be applied to a police or corrections agency.  How would you change the methodology? 

Wk 6d discussion

Watch the film, Warrieor vs. Guardian mindsets in Policing from the link below.  Answer the below question in a minimum of 200 words.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgbfBnSPhqA   Garnering what you have taken fro the film, and taking into consideration how law enforcement has evolved during the previous 3 to 5 years, describe the “ideal” profile for the modern … Read more

Wk 6C discussion

   Please read the below article involving the LAPD Crash Unit and answer the below question in minimum of 200 words: Rampart CRASH Unit Article Review: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/lapd/scandal/cron.html  If you were a newly hired chief of police, sheriff, or chief of corrections what ethical based program would you implement to prevent a Rampart type scandal from … Read more

Wk 5a Jose

  Please respond directly to the below classmate discussion post, minimum of 100 words  The crime control model focuses on having an efficient system, with the most important function being to suppress and control crime to ensure that society is safe and there is public order. Under this model, controlling crime is more important to individual … Read more


1. Briefly, discuss the findings in a study conducted by Donner, Fridell, and Jennings (2016) pertaining to the relationship between self-control and police misconduct. In doing so, discuss Gottfredson and Hirschi’s (1990) general theory of crime as it is relative to self-control theory and police misconduct. 2. Briefly, discuss the effectiveness of consent degrees and … Read more

Wk 5b Scott

    Please respond directly to the below classmate post. Minimum of 100 words. The Wall of Silence, also known as the blue wall, is about the unspoken rules that police do not report their fellow officers for anything done against policy, procedures, or the law itself, while on the job. Recruits are taught from day … Read more

Week 4c Stephanie 303

    Please respond directly to the below classmate discussion post. Minimum of 100 words. In the film Training Day, there are countless value-based decisions being made by all characters involved. One of the film’s opening scenes shows how Hoyt, who is this straight edge, by the book type of police officer quickly went against his … Read more

Week 4C Ricardo 303

   Please respond directly to the below classmate discussion post. Minimum of 100 words.  During the movie, Alonzo had an issue that occurred in Las Vegas with the Russian Mob. The 3 Wise men had a sit down with Alonzo and explained to him that the Russian Mob has no problem with killing a police … Read more