
Instructions Week 3 Project: Duties of a Prosecutor Supporting Lectures: Ethical Systems Ethics and Courts Trial Court Workgroup Prosecutors, as agents for the state, take an oath to uphold the Constitution and to seek justice on behalf of the state and its citizens. Summarize the duties of a prosecutor in a criminal case, emphasizing those … Read more

week3 disc

Week 3 Discussion: Courts Supporting Lectures: Ethics and Courts Trial Court Workgroup Judges and Ethics This week, you began addressing the ethical foundations of specific functions in the criminal justice system. For this discussion, we will focus on the courts. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton was criticized for an interview in which she … Read more

History of Criminal Law and Punishment

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Pioneers in Criminology: The Historical Development of CriminologyLinks to an external site. and Evolution of PunishmentLinks to an external site.. Additionally, watch 002 History of US Law and What Is the Law?Links to an external site. Western societies have been punishing criminal actors since ancient Greece. This … Read more

week2 discussion

Week 2 Discussion: Teleological and Deontological Systems Supporting Lectures: Ethical Systems Applied Ethics Crime Control Now that you have reviewed the components of the major ethical systems, you can begin applying these concepts to your chosen field. Discuss the differences between teleological systems and deontological systems. Specifically, consider the relationship between one’s intent and the … Read more


John, Lesa, and Tabir form a limited liability company. John contributes 60% of the capital, and Lesa and Tabir each contribute 2%. Nothing is decided about how profits will be divided. John assumes that he will be entitled to 60% of the profits, in accordance with his contribution. Lesa and Tabir, however, assume that the … Read more

Computer Crime Prosecution

  In an investigation being conducted by the state crime lab, senior investigators have called your company, AB Investigative Services, to provide advice concerning the interception of wire, electronic, and oral communications. The current individual suspected to be the source of the crime used a library computer to send and receive e-mails. The librarian walked … Read more


 The general rule is that a lawyer shall not reveal information relating to the representation of a client, however, there are exceptions to this general rule, what type of confidential information can be disclosed under he model rules of professional conduct for attorneys, 16-106 NMRA 


When we think about relationships and business perhaps the follow elements should be considered: trust: without trust there can be no productive conflict, commitment, or accountability. This does not mean that partners are in exact alignment, but partners need to agree upon the firm’s core values. When partners have defined expectations and understanding of each … Read more

Law Enforcement Subcultures

  Assignment Guidelines You are a new patrol officer assigned with a veteran field training officer (FTO). He will be rating your performance for the next 16 weeks while you are on probation. His write-ups will make the determination on whether or not the police department will retain you as a regular police officer. Your … Read more


  Kubota Tractor Corp. makes farm, industrial, and outdoor equipment. Its franchise contracts allow Kubota to enter into dealership agreements with “others at any location.” Kejzar Motors, Inc., is a Kubota dealer in Nacogdoches, Texas and Jasper, Texas. These two Kejzar stores operate as one dealership with two locations. Kubota granted a dealership to Michael … Read more