Global issues

Please thoroughly work on this assignment and include as much evidence from the power points as you can. I am missing out pp from week 1-7 and 12-14. But please familiarize yourself with the syllabus if that helps. Only use class resources please. open bid send amount. Negotiable 

Law Reflective Assignment

For this assignment, you need to be familiar with the response assignments that I’ve done this semester to complete this. Please let me know in our chat what other documents I should upload

short answer

  In 2017, the City of Chicago made sweeping changes to its use of force policies following a scathing Justice Department report after the 2014 killing of Laquan McDonald. The report stated that the city routinely violated the constitutional rights of residents. After reading the article below, which is a required unit resource for this … Read more


Two assignments in this course will combine to produce an in-depth analysis of the preparedness, communication, mitigation, response, and recovery coordination among the various public safety and private sector organizations involved in Hurricane Katrina. It will also include a detailed assessment of the Incident Command System (ICS) process used. These assignments give you an opportunity … Read more

Week 11 Discussion – What’s Next?

Suppose you have graduated from Strayer University with your degree and you have been working on a variety of projects. Now, you are ready to pursue a certification in project management, but you are not sure which one to get. While visiting the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) CertificationsLinks to an external site. website, you see … Read more


 After completing this week’s readings, how can a security management organization incorporate DE&I within its enterprise business strategy?  What are some potential obstacles in pursuing such an initiative and what inroads can be taken to overcome these possible hindrances?

Law – Criminal Week 8 Assignment – Development Plan for Two Skills

  Instructions Complete and submit your assignment using the following steps: Step 1: Download and complete the Week 8 Assignment Template [DOCX] Download Week 8 Assignment Template [DOCX]. Step 2: Save the template as, YourName_WRK100_Week8_DevelopmentPlan. Step 3: Submit your completed template below. Note: Review the Week 8 Assignment rubric below before submitting. The specific course … Read more

Week 8 Help

 Research a company that has been sued for anti-competitive behavior in the last five years. Explain the facts of the lawsuit, why the actions were anti-competitive, and whether it is a horizontal restraint of trade or a vertical restraint of trade. (Explain these terms in your answer.) (Note: Do NOT use Amazon, Google, Facebook, Qualcomm, … Read more