
ne of the themes of this course has been the comparison between business leadership and leadership in the criminal justice field. In some ways, the techniques and challenges are similar between the two worlds, but in other ways there are vast differences. For this assignment, you will compare the position of police chief with that … Read more


Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial postings. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or … Read more


Week 4 Project: Leadership Style Select a well-known personality—judge, lawyer, correctional administrator, or police chief—in criminal justice and talk about this person’s leadership style in relation to the leadership theories discussed in your book. Answer the following questions in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation: Which of the following theories is most suitable for describing this leader’s … Read more

week4 dis

Scenario You have received a position that requires you to oversee a group of 30 correctional officers. This job will be challenging, because these officers are noted for holding negative, and sometimes even hostile, attitudes toward the institution’s leadership, as well as the prisoners they oversee. Your job is to try to create a better … Read more

Law – Criminal Assignment 15

 Please read chapter 15, then: 1. Summarize the Chapter Review (200+) 2. Please choose any three sections of the chapter other than the Chapter Review and summarize them (only 50+ each)  The required book is Essential Interviewing and Counseling Skills:  An Integrated Approach to Practice, 2nd Edition, by Tracy Prout, Melanie J. Wadkins, and Tatianna … Read more

Law – Criminal Assignment 12

  Please read chapter 11, then: 1. Summarize the Chapter Review 200+) 2. What is termination? 3. Summarized the first paragraph under the heading Termination Issues(50+ 4. Please summarize the first paragraph under the heading Therapist-Initiated Premature Termination (100+) 5. Summarize the three paragraphs under the heading Interpersonal Psychotherapy (200+) Submit, and maybe plant some … Read more

Discussion 11

Central Florida has a lot going on all the time, and there are always going to be targets of opportunity. First, if you were given the task of identifying possible targets in the community, what would you include on your list, and why? Second, technology has advance significantly to help us catch terrorists. Are you … Read more


Based upon the general training requirements within Florida, obtain a general description of the curricula for police, security officers, and supervisors.  How does this information compare with the courses presented in this chapter? book:Curtis, G. & McBride, R. (2011). Proactive Security Administration, 2nd. Ed.; ISBN- 13: 9780135071502

3 paragraphs

1. How could/would candidates fund their elections if outside group funding was not allowed? 2. Should outside funding such as PAC’s be allowed? 3. Does outside funding make a difference in political races?

Week 6 Help

 As a small business owner, you are faced with rising costs (particularly employment costs), insurance, and the like. You decide to hire some friends who wear your business uniform, deal with vendors and customers, and tell their friends and family that they work for you. In one instance, a friend, Leo, orders way too much … Read more