Behavioral Plan

Describe a hypothetical class of your own design and creation. Include in your description a listing of the number of students with specific learning issues. Select one hypothetical student from your class and develop a specific behavior plan designed to address this student’s behavioral needs and issues.  As a subset of your plan, construct a … Read more

Writing Assignment – #5

Create two formative assessments.  One assessment is for students without disabilities and the other is the SAME assessment that incorporates accommodations and modifications for students with disabilities (must use a minimum of three disabilities identified) : 1 student with mild cognitive challenges  1 student with ADHD  1 hearing-impaired student 


   Watch the video on the impact of cochlear implants on the profoundly deaf by going to    What are your impressions and knowledge gained after watching this video?  Be sure to cite specific elements from the video in your discussion.  (250-word count) 

How Far Should We Go – Writing Assignment

 Analyze the case study “How Far Should We Go.”  In your discussion of this case study, include responses to the questions located on page 3 of the case study.  Be sure to cite specific evidence from the case to support your positions.  This case study can be found at    Note: please attach the … Read more