Assignment 2: Focused SOAP Note And Patient Case Presentation/PRAC 6665: PMHNP Care Across The Lifespan I Practicum

Psychiatric notes are a way to reflect on your practicum experiences and connect the experiences to the learning you gain from your weekly Learning Resources. Focused SOAP notes, such as the ones required in this practicum course, are often used in clinical settings to document patient care.

Discussion 8

 According to the CDC, the current average life expectancy is 78.7 years old (Links to an external site.), although some people live much longer, even up to 120 years. Based on the CDC fact sheet above and other sources for evidence, what factors contribute to those who live well beyond the average age? Consider lifelong healthcare regiments, … Read more

Discussion 6

 Finding a partner is one of the most important things an individual focuses on during early adulthood. How do you think today’s lack of social contact is affecting this aspect of life? Explain social exchange theory of mate selection in your own words and include information about Bowlby’s attachment theory. 

Assignment 6

  Alex is having his first session with a counselor and is recounting his life history:  I’ve just turned 20. I finished high school about two years ago, and I have been lost since then. I was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder when I was five, and it has been a struggle since then. … Read more

Discussion 5

Helping adolescents develop their identity can cause stress as teenagers want independence and begin to pressure their parents for more control. What is identity development (e.g., social, gender)? Using Erikson’s fifth stage of development, explain these different types of identity. Explain the factors adolescents consider when addressing the question, “Who am I?”

Creativity throughout lifespan

Creativity in later adulthood. The textbook authors provide a brief overview of creativity in later adulthood, but there is much more to expand upon! According to classic research by Simonton (1988), creative contributions in literature, science, math, music, and other areas decline with age. His data show that the peak of creativity depends, in part, on … Read more

Discussion 1

The concept of life span development is relatively new. For many years, child psychology was studied, but it was understood that by the beginning of early adulthood most, if not all, of one’s important development had occurred. In other words, psychologists thought the important changes that come with age were completed by the end of … Read more

discussion 1 life span

Cross-sectional developmental research has discovered that various generations have been labeled by popular culture to describe trends in behavior commonly seen among individuals born to each generation. Study the chart below, and discuss whether or not you agree with the labels given and the rationales provided. Explain your answers. Next, given the knowledge you have … Read more