Topic 6 Discussion Questions 1 & 2

DQ1: Review the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE). How does your professionalism and leadership in working with ELLs relate to your ethical responsibility as an educator and reflect a Christian worldview?  DQ2: An ESL/Bilingual teacher or specialist will be looked at as a language model and resource by ELL students, families, and other … Read more

Topic 4 Discussion Questions 1 & 2

DQ1 What are the differences between spoken and written language? Why is it important to provide ELLs with the opportunity to practice language in a variety of discourse formats and lengths? How can syntax, semantics, and pragmatics be supported in both oral and written discourse?   DQ2 What do you believe effective grammar instruction for ELLs … Read more

Topic 2 Discussion Questions 1 & 2

DQ1: Some have considered learning styles to be a factor influencing the L2 learning process, while others consider learning styles to be a neuromyth, pointing to a lack of evidence that students learn better through a self-identified learning style. Research the topic of learning styles. Will you address learning styles in your instruction of ELLs? … Read more

Topic 1 Discussion Questions 1 & 2

DQ 1 Is English your native/first language, an additional language you learned, or a language you simultaneously learned with other languages? Share your experience in acquiring language as a child, whether English and/or other languages. How does your personal experience with L1 acquisition resonate with or relate to L1 acquisition theories? Are any L1 acquisition … Read more


  instructions : 1. write 10 slides with “speaker notes 250-300 words “ 2. add photos animations ” be creative ” don’t make it boring and try to use a good format you can use any app you want ,, PowerPoint or canva  3. the slides it self must me as it is from the … Read more


instructions : 1. write 10 slides with “speaker notes 250-300 words “ 2. add photos animations ” be creative ” don’t make it boring and try to use a good format you can use any app you want ,, PowerPoint or canva  3. the slides it self must me as it is from the book … Read more