
MNCs develop strategies based on analysis of both external and internal environments to identify the market environment and its competitive advantage to capture the market. Post a Response Read “Starbucks’ Caffeinated Push for Global Expansion” in Chapter 8 of the textbook. Please respond to the following: Explain Starbucks’ global expansion plan in China and Italy. … Read more


MNCs develop strategies based on analysis of both external and internal environments to identify the market environment and its competitive advantage to capture the market. Post a Response Read “Starbucks’ Caffeinated Push for Global Expansion” in Chapter 8 of the textbook. Please respond to the following: Explain Starbucks’ global expansion plan in China and Italy. … Read more

week 4-1

Select one of the four strategic predispositions of multinational corporations (MNCs). Explain how your chosen strategy will assist a company with expansion into a new country. Justify your response.

week 3

Read about The Ethics of Global Drug Pricing, in the textbook: Part I Cases. Please respond to the following: What conclusions can you draw from the outcome of equitable and ethical drug pricing parameters? What could pharmaceutical companies have done differently to create a positive outcome for developing countries? Justify your response.

Startup war website

 The Startup Wars simulations is an online platform that allows you to run a startup business in a fun and interesting way.  It offers the experience of learning by doing and gives you the opportunity to see how everything fits together. 

Business Finance – Management Multiple assignments are put together in the final week

Multiple assignments are put together in the final week of this course to complete the project.   The Organizational Setting assignment is where the majority of the organizational research will be used.  The Annotated Bibliography assignment is where key chapter concepts are researched in order to use them in the Integration of Key Chapter Concepts section. … Read more


In Chapter 4 of the Reimagining Collaboration text, the author argues that email is not an effective tool for collaboration. Do you agree or disagree? Is there a time and place for email? Explain. As you’ve worked on your first assignment for your group project, have there been instances where email might have had an … Read more

Cultural Intelligence

Today’s borderless business environment can make communication complex. This is not only because you might be communicating with people from all over the globe, but also because we live in an increasingly diverse society. So even in a domestic job with no overseas interactions, cultural intelligence is important. Being culturally intelligent improves one’s ability to … Read more