Financial performance/ Access business strategy

   Review your financial and      market performance during the second year. Highlight the key features of      the business plan presented to the venture capitalists: brand strategy,      pricing strategy, advertising strategy, and sales channel. Assess your business strategy      and performance during the second year including brand, pricing, and      advertising strategies. Think about how a sales channel … Read more

Swot Analysis

  Develop a SWOT analysis, covering strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats of customers, competition, company strengths and weaknesses, and major threats and opportunities for the upcoming year.

Advertising industry

   Relevance has always been the challenge of the advertising industry. Summarize Kristi Rogers’ assessment of the advertising industry in her TED Talk, “Where Are Our Digital Ads Really Going?” located in the Topic 5 Resources. Considering her hypothesis and results, what are some implications for marketing managers as they seek to improve the ROI … Read more

Relationship marketing

    Define relationship marketing and how it might fit into the mission or vision for any given product in the overall organizational plan. How can the promotional mix elements use relationship marketing to increase customer satisfaction with a brand? How will the consumer buying process differ in a business-to-business (B2B) vs. business-to-consumer (B2C) environment? Use … Read more

Brand Positioning

   Define brand positioning. Explain the reason for positioning and repositioning products. Choose a product with which you are familiar, preferably one in your industry, and explain how it might be repositioned. Indicate its current position in the market, a desired position, and how you would manage the repositioning effort.

Store brand

   What is a store brand, and why do many of them imitate national brand packaging? Explain the effects social, marketing, situational, and psychological influences on consumer decision-making. Discuss ethical considerations relevant to this type of imitation.

Conscious Capitalism simulation

   Explain how in the Conscious Capitalism simulation you would shift from a business-to-consumer (B2C) model to a business-to-business (B2B) model and how you would adjust your promotional efforts to enhance your relationship marketing. Would conscious capitalism be relevant in a B2B environment? Explain.


   Describe a current problem facing Amazon that would indicate the need for a simulation model. How best would this problem be solved by simulation versus the other modeling techniques? 

Solving Problems

   Describe a current problem facing your department (Training Department at Diesel Engine School), that would indicate the need for a simulation model. How best could this problem be solved by simulation versus the other modeling techniques covered in the course? 

Optimal solution

    Create a simple 0, 1 integer model for a situation or problem you face in your life. Is there an optimal solution for your problem? What type of model would you use to create an optimal solution? Explain.