MicroBio 05 Discussion

  Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the more prevalent nosocomial infections in healthcare faculties today. Any patient with a compromised immune system or open wound is susceptible to contracting MRSA from medical staff or even family members. Although MRSA is commonly connected to health care facilities, MRSA can be found anywhere. For your initial post, … Read more

micro discussion 04

There are many opinions on the need and/or importance of vaccines in preventing the spread of disease. Our children are required to get vaccinations before entering school, and healthcare workers must have them when working in environments where they can come into contact with bloodborne pathogens. In healthcare facilities, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Hepatitis … Read more


  Have you heard of the so-called “5-second rule” for when food falls to the floor? (NOT true, by the way) Have you seen the signs in restrooms indicating that all employees must wash their hands before returning to work? Bacteria are everywhere, and the concept of cleanliness should apply to anyone who comes in … Read more

Micro Biology what goes around comes around

Have you heard of the so-called “5-second rule” for when food falls to the floor? (NOT true, by the way) Have you seen the signs in restrooms indicating that all employees must wash their hands before returning to work? Bacteria are everywhere, and the concept of cleanliness should apply to anyone who comes in contact … Read more

MicroBiology How Clean is Too Clean

The use of antibacterial products in hospitals and medical facilities is a necessary and common practice in order to prevent the transmission of disease-causing microorganisms. We have seen an increase in the use of these products, such as antibacterial hand soaps, hand sanitizers, antimicrobial wipes and cleaning sprays, and even dishwashing liquids in healthy households.    For … Read more