psy diss

  For your initial post this week, answer the questions below either through a 2-paragraph summary (3-5 sentences minimum each paragraph), or you can simply number your responses.  Don’t forget to engage with at least 2 of your classmates in a meaningful way. Time to finish strong! 1. Thinking back to last module….Which psychological disorder … Read more

ids negot

  Think about a future negotiation scenario in your own life that you expect to encounter in the next five years where practicing negotiating here in this forum will be helpful to you. (Examples: job negotiation, purchasing a home, buying a car, negotiating a buy-out of your company, negotiating legislation, etc.) Share it with the … Read more

psy discuss

  Watch the first 9:04 minutes of the the following video and respond to the following questions. Feel free to add anything you think is relevant. Do you think the Milgram experiment was unethical? Why or why not? Is it possible to measure what Milgram measured any other way? How? Do the ends justify the … Read more

negotiation 3

Negotiations Exercise 3: Paired Interaction Negotiations – Part I Due Thurs., Part II Due Sun. 3030 unread replies.3030 replies. Directions: In this discussion, you will apply the principles from the method Getting to Yes to a personal negotiation situation. Part I (due by Thursday on the due date as listed, but highly recommended that you … Read more

Learning Journal Entry 8

  For your Learning Journal entry this week, respond to the following prompt: Choose one of the cultural productions from the Unit 8 module and share your thoughts: what is the role of art/culture in engaging society in issues of revolution and/or social justice? Use evidence to support your conclusion.  Protocols: Journal entries should average … Read more

hw inr

  FORMAT – The maximum length of the papr is 1,500 words (not counting the works cited section). State your word count at the beginning of your papr. There is no word minimum. However, it is generally a good idea to take advantage of the space you have to write a comprehensive papr. – The … Read more

hum dis

  After reading the poem “United Fruit Company” by Pablo Neruda ( page), answer the following prompt in a focused response: How does the poem connect to what you have learned so far, and how might it be considered a medium of protest for the poet and Latin Americans in general? Provide examples from the poem … Read more

analogy onlparagraph submission

analogy paragraph (only deals with similarities)  simple definition for analogy paragraph- an explanation of something difficult to understand by pointing out it’s similarities to something that’s easy to understand topic: words are like money  thesis statement must be first sentence and no “you” is allowed  10-12 sentences horizontal format-talk about easy topic first(money), other half … Read more

ids jl

  Negotiations Exercise 2: Olympics Coach – Part I due Thurs., Part II due Sun. – Traditional Summer/Fall Directions: In this discussion, you will apply the principles from the method Getting to Yes (GTY) to a hypothetical negotiation situation. This situation is modified from a scenario presented in the Army’s War College where soldiers can … Read more


 PLEASE TWO DIFFERENT ANSWER FOR THIS, ONE FOR MY BF AND ONE FOR ME Negotiations Exercise 2: Olympics Coach – Part I due Thurs., Part II due Sun. – Traditional Summer/Fall Directions: In this discussion, you will apply the principles from the method Getting to Yes (GTY) to a hypothetical negotiation situation. This situation is … Read more