research final PP presentation

POWERPOINT presentation explaining the key components of your research proposal.  Include the following points: A brief introduction, including your research questions and hypothesis The significance to nursing An overview of your literature review A summary of your design and methodology Include: Your sample procedures Your data collection procedures An overview of your data analysis plan … Read more

research final PP presentation

POWERPOINT presentation explaining the key components of your research proposal.  Include the following points: A brief introduction, including your research questions and hypothesis The significance to nursing An overview of your literature review A summary of your design and methodology Include: Your sample procedures Your data collection procedures An overview of your data analysis plan … Read more

research proposal

How confident do you feel about developing a research proposal as part of your future career as a nurse researcher? Explain your answer. What questions or concerns do you still have about conducting research in nursing?


ARTICLE: Is the article quantitative, qualitative, or something else? State the study design, research question, and the strength and limitations of the study. Can the study results be generalized? Why or why not?

research sampling

Appropriate sampling is a critical component in developing a good research project. Using your approved research questions and research topic, explain your anticipated sampling method and why this is appropriate for your research proposal. What is your sample size?  TOPIC: exploring the Impact of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Stress Reduction among Nurses in Intensive Care Units … Read more

quantitative research proposal

This week, you will seek approval for a research area for your quantitative research proposal.  Identify your chosen research topic Create at least one problem statement to go along with your chosen research area Identify your research question/s Explain the significance of the research topic to nursing Upon completion, your instructor will approve, deny, or … Read more

research topic

This week, you will be submitting a research topic and problem statement for use in your research proposal to your instructor for approval. Share your proposed research topic and problem statement with your classmates. Explain why you chose this topic and why it is meaningful in the field of nursing. 

clinical performance evaluation

Clinical performance evaluation is subjective and involves the judgments of the evaluator. It is filtered by the evaluator’s perspective, values, and biases. With this in mind, select three clinical evaluation strategies that you believe are fair and accurate in order to measure student learning, and determine their competency and safety in the clinical setting. Explain … Read more

instructor-student interaction

After viewing the video of the student disagreeing with the grade he received, discuss each of the responses given by the faculty. In your discussion, include how each response facilitated or hindered the quality of interaction between the instructor and the student. How would you have handled this situation?