moral and ethical dialog

It is challenging to engage in meaningful discussions with patients when moral and ethical dilemmas present themselves. How we engage with our patients can have a profound impact on the care they receive and the decisions they make. The following exercise will present you with moral and ethical dilemmas common to many clinical practices.  The … Read more

The Five R’s

Apply the framework of The Five R’s approach to ethical nursing practice from this week’s reading to answer the questions about values and choices. What are values? Q. What are your personal values? Q. Why do you value them? Q. What are the values in your society? Q. How do you make choices? Q. Are … Read more


Reflect upon the survey you took. In your initial response, address some of the following questions. Explain your answers. Did you find it easy to make confident and decisive decisions with several strongly agree or strongly disagree answers, or did you select mostly moderate responses? Did any subject areas trigger personal emotions or issues?  If … Read more

policy making

Describe how the educational level achieved by a nurse or the entry point into professional nursing practice affects the quality and competence of a nurse’s participation in policy making. Why it is important for registered nurses to influence the regulatory process? Does the nurses education have influence on their ability to make an impact?

healthcare delivery system

What is the difference between a protocol, standard of care delivery, and policy at the practice, state, and federal level? Briefly outline each. What are the perceptions of the health care delivery system from the perspectives of patients, providers, payers, and policy makers? Discuss at least one perception from one of the populations listed: patient, … Read more

ethical issue problem statement

Evidence-based practice is extremely important in nursing. Throughout your master’s program, you will complete research on various topics. Knowing how to construct a strong problem statement and complete a critical analysis of the available information to write a literature review is essential. This week, you will write a problem statement and perform a literature review … Read more

Patient safety law

Select a state or federal law or regulation related to patient safety that has been implemented within the last five years requiring hospitals or any other health care organizations to change the way they manage the delivery of care. Discuss the changes that have occurred because of this law or regulation. Additionally, discuss the technology … Read more

ethical issue debate

Topic: OPPOSE health systems denying non-emergency care to patients with medical debt  Power point must include an introduction to the issue, your stance, the rationale for the stance, the ethical principals involved, theories and evidence supporting your position, and your proposed resolution. 

Personal Nursing Philosophy, Part 2

As you finish this course, your philosophy of nursing has probably changed. As a final review, polish your philosophy of nursing based on your newly acquired knowledge. Also, write a summary reflection answering the following questions based on the readings and discussions throughout the course:  As an art and a science, how has your personal … Read more