Discussion 5 Diversity

  Hyde Pfiefer, a retired 70-year-old German American, has lived in the United States for the last 50 years. A widower of 5 years, Mr. Pfiefer prepares his own meals following his wife’s recipes from the old country. Nine months ago, Mr. Pfiefer was told that his cholesterol is elevated, and he was instructed about … Read more

Discussion 4 diversity

  Jay and Sue Kim, ages 29 and 26 years and married for 2 years, immigrated from South Korea and settled in Los Angeles. They have lived in a small one-bedroom apartment since their arrival. Both graduated from the same Korean university with baccalaureate degrees in English literature. They have one child, Joseph, age 1 … Read more

Discussion 3 Diversity

  The St. Fleur family is well respected in the Haitian community because they are religious with great moral values. They moved to the United States because of political issues in Haiti. Ronald, the youngest son of this family, is 27 years old and lives at home with his mother and father. Recently, he began … Read more

Discussion 2 Diversity

  Mary and Elmer’s fifth child, Melvin, was born 6 weeks prematurely and is 1-month old. Sarah, age 13, Martin, age 12, and Wayne, age 8, attend the Amish elementary school located 1 mile from their home. Lucille, age 4, is staying with Mary’s sister and her family for a week because baby Melvin has … Read more

Discussion 1 Diversity

  Discuss the following: The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence and its relevance for advanced practice nurse. The importance of effective communication that promotes cultural competence. Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 3 academic sources.

Osteoarthritis, Celebrex, & Ibuprofen

  Sally is a 50-year-old female who has been a jogger for several years. She has recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. She has been taking ibuprofen for 3 months but states that “it does not help” and hurts her stomach. The health care provider prescribes celecoxib (Celebrex) 100 mg orally twice a day. What is … Read more

Alternative & Complementary Medicine

  Discuss the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. Would you have any conflicts/concerns supporting a patient who choose holistic/allopathic medicine? Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from … Read more

Hypertension & Teaching Points of Antihypertensive Drugs

  The advanced practice nurse is updating the plan of care of nursing home patients with hypertension. Briefly describe the therapeutic actions of drugs affecting blood pressure (diuretics, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, CCB, sympathetic nervous system drugs). What important teaching points should be addressed for patients receiving antihypertensive drugs? Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be … Read more

Clotrimazole & Age-Appropriate Teaching Plan

  Ms. Jones brings 6-week-old Sam to the clinic because of a bright red rash in the diaper area that has gotten worse since she started putting over-the-counter antibiotic cream on it 3 days ago. Sam is diagnosed with diaper Candida or a yeast infection. Clotrimazole (Lotrimin) topical TID for 14 days to the diaper … Read more

Healthcare Policy and Delivery Systems WEEK8

  On what policy issues might nurses lobby Congress? What strategies might nurse use to have their voices heard? The discussion must address the topic. Rationale must be provided 400 words in your initial  Minimum of two scholarly references in APA format within the last five years published