Week 8 Discussion-Community

Option 1: Everyone has been impacted by COVID-19.  Describe the following for your peers: a) How has your professional life been impacted by the pandemic? b) How has your personal life been impacted by the pandemic? c) Putting your community health nurse hat on, what can you do as a nurse to help the community … Read more

Discussion Reflection Response – Role Transition

 The transition from Professional Registered Professional Nurse (RN) to Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APN) is often a stressful career change. Reflect on factors that influence role transition and how best to mitigate the transition toward alteration in professional identity, loss of confidence, and novice APN development.  

help with discussion

Application of Course Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail. Describe a current safety concern in your practice environment. Explain one HIT that could be applied to address the concern. Explain how it could be applied to enhance safety. Identify at least one possible unintended consequence of adopting the HIT. Discuss at least one strategy for mitigating … Read more

Nursing questions

  What nursing skills and qualities do you view as necessary for good clinical judgment? Explain your thinking. From your experience or observations of others’ nursing practice, what issues or barriers can result in poor clinical judgment? Explain.

week 4 discussion.

   Please read and summarize one article on Tarasoff’s duties.  Share how you would integrate the article’s findings into your practice with your classmates and professors. 

assessment 24

   For this assessment, you will create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the third assessment.

Discussion – nursing

  Define ageism. Describe worldwide ageism in at least two different countries/people groups. Describe ageism in at least two separate age groups (nationally or internationally).   Apply the guidelines in the rubric by using at least one current peer-reviewed journal and one of the required course textbooks to address the question fully.