Causes and Effects of Edema

Causes and Effects of Edema peer response 125 word minimum has to be decided in two sections one labeled research and one critical thinking label both sections. In critical thinking you may add important information gathered during the research and how it’s important for daily life . Cite all sources .


APA format, 2 pages, 2 references. Attach the 3 PDFs that are needed. Qualitative research offers a different set of processes to explore phenomena of interest to nursing, compared to quantitative processes. Both are necessary to advance the profession of nursing. To learn why, discuss how the steps in the research process are different between … Read more

Nursing informatics #2

Informatics have changed dramatically in the last ten years. The changes in health care alone have forced organizations to do things far differently than they imagined. The massive amounts of data available grow every day. The purpose of this assignment is to use data and trends to forecast the future of the fields of informatics.Research … Read more

Nursing Case Study

  Case Study A patient is being treated with combination antiviral drugs for HIV and locally active antiviral drugs that include zidovudine and acyclovir. The nursing instructor and student are preparing a 5-minute presentation on antiviral agents for clinical preconference. The nursing student has to assist with preparing medication information about the antiviral medications that … Read more

Blog: The Intersection of Social Determinants of Health on HIT and Patient Outcomes

 Health literacy is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as, “the cognitive and social skills which determine the motivation and ability of individuals to gain access to, understand, and use information in ways that promote and maintain good health” (n.d.). The American Medical Association (AMA) defines health literacy as, “a constellation of skills, including … Read more

Nursing informatics

The purpose of the informatics Solution Proposal is to increase knowledge and ability with informatics and technology products for the healthcare workplace setting. You will review the functionality of various products and select one that best meets the needs of a Health care setting. Identify an issue in a health care workplace that could be resolved … Read more

Case Study:

A 25-year-old presented to the labor and delivery unit with complaints of uterine cramping and lower back pain. The client denied any vaginal bleeding and had a history of preterm birth at 32 weeks (about 7 and a half months) gestation with her last pregnancy. The baby from that pregnancy is three years old has … Read more

Registered Nurse IT.

This is an assignment for my psych nurse practitioner class you must.  Based on the Williams (2012) article:  (ARTICLE) THIS IS THE LINK FOR THE WILLIAMS (2012 ARTICLE) and you have to: Describe two (2) information technology concepts from the article that could impact evidence in a positive or negative way  must be APA … Read more


APA Format, 2 page, 2 references You are familiar with the ANA Code of Ethics and have a growing understanding of historical perspectives in ethical and legal considerations in research. Further, you know the BSN-prepared nurse has a different role than the PhD-prepared nurse, for example, in terms of research. In this forum, consider what … Read more