Peer response

  Research change theories from scholarly literature resources. Choose a change theory and correlate the steps of the theory to a change that has occurred in your clinical area. Did the change follow the steps well? Was the change made successfully? If it did not go smoothly, how would you have improved the process?

week 5

Select one informatics application or healthcare technology that is used  in your practice setting or is of interest to you (ex: electronic  medical record, health care app, early warning system, ePrescribing,  etc).  Please describe the application/techology and discuss the  benefits of this, as well as the potential negative consequences, such  as ethical or privacy issues.

reimbursement mechanisms

Describe the reimbursement mechanisms (Medicare, Medicaid, private insurers, and HMOs) for APRNs Are there any differences in the fee schedules between Physicians and non-physician providers (NPP) such as APRNs? Please describe. Can APRNs own their own practices in your state? Why or why not?

help with response 2

Great post. I want to extend your discussion on the importance of fostering a safety culture by emphasizing the role of psychological safety within healthcare teams. As discussed in recent literature, psychological safety is a critical component of a learning culture. It allows healthcare workers to openly discuss mistakes, near-misses, and potential risks without fear … Read more

Burn Victim Assessment

You are working the night shift on a medical-surgical unit. You assignment includes a 19 year old woman admitted early this morning. She has sustained burns over 30% of her body surface area, with partial-thickness burns on her legs and back. Instructions The staff are following the Parkland Formula for fluid resuscitation. The client arrived … Read more

professor response

  During wk4 discussion, select ONE or MORE Of the following questions to answer as the Instructor Question: 1) List and briefly describe the 7 domains of nursing practice as outlined by Benner’s Novice to Expert nursing theory. 2) Differentiate the definition of health concept in King’s Goal Attainment theory verses Watson’s Theory of Human … Read more

Chemistry – Pharmacology Pharm Assignment

This assignment is designed to deepen your understanding of conditions that you will encounter in clinical practice.  Read the article and respond to the prompt with a minimum of eight well-crafted sentences. Please make sure your sentence of grammatically correct.  Prompt A 45-year male is a new patient in your office with dental pain. In … Read more

APRN practice

Discuss how evidence-based guidelines shape APRN practice. Are physicians (MDs and Dos) and APRNs held to the same evidence-based standards? Are APRNs independent and autonomous providers just as physicians (MDs and Dos)? What are collaborative agreements between physicians and APRNs? Are NPs required to pay physicians so they can practice? How do APRNs incorporate consultation … Read more

Peer response

  Describe two research studies that used your theory as a foundation. Describe how each study used the theory. How were the concepts operationalized? When concepts are operationalized, they are turned from an abstract form to something measurable.