Ethical Decision 1

  Describe the ethical dilemma. What were the options available to you? Were there any laws, rules, or regulations that affected your decision? If so, describe the applicable laws, rules or regulations and how your decision was affected by these laws, rules or regulations. If there is no law, rule or regulation, what principles did … Read more

frie 8

 There are various motivations behind arsonists actions. By understanding these motivations, the Fire Investigator, along with other Criminal Justice professionals, can bring these bad actors to justice. However, once the investigation is complete, the challenge is not over. Choosing the appropriate intervention or punishment for arsonists is a controversial topic in the field. A large … Read more

correctional 8

 After reading all of the chapters and having acquired a great deal of knowledge about correctional management, decide if you see yourself working within this field. Regardless of whether you were to choose not to have a career in this field, what are one or more contributions do you feel you could make toward corrections … Read more

correctional 8.1

 In Unit 8, you will create a PowerPoint presentation sharing the results of the research you performed during this course. You will submit it to the assignment in Blackboard for grading and post to discussion board to share with the class 

fire 8

 Explosions and Haz Mat incidents are low-frequency, high-risk events for a fire investigator. Imagine you are a local municipal fire investigator. You respond to a vehicle that exploded while parked in front of town hall. You suspect a criminal act. Name three other investigative agencies you would request to assist your investigation and state why … Read more

correctional 7.2

 Reentry is a new focus of contemporary corrections. Elected officials are continuously looking for new ways to help prisoners with their reentry back into communities. The Second Chance Act, which authorized over $300 million for prisoner programs, was designed to help protect public safety and reduce recidivism rates. Explain the risk factors associated with prisoners … Read more

correctional 7

 Throughout history, prison lawsuits continuously challenge inmate medical care, and the federal courts do not consider the lack of state funding as an acceptable defense. In today’s correctional environment, the most crucial issue in evaluating effectiveness is initiating cost-effective approaches.  Discuss two issues Correctional Administrators face in providing quality medical care to prisoners, and suggest … Read more

frie 7.1

 Explosions and Haz Mat incidents are low-frequency, high-risk events for a fire investigator. Imagine you are a local municipal fire investigator. You respond to a vehicle that explodes while parked in front of the town hall. You suspect a criminal act. Name three other investigative agencies you would request to assist your investigation and state … Read more

correctional 6.2

  According to the text, Mental health treatment programs are essential in prisons as many prisoners suffer from mental health problems.  In many states, there are mixed responsibilities between correctional and mental health agencies. Review the categories of mental health treatment discussed in the course material. Should we provide inmates with free mental health treatment while … Read more

frie 6.2

 The final determination of a fire investigator has real world impact. Millions of dollars can be on the line. A criminal conviction can take away someone’s freedom. Because of this we must be able to reach a certain burden of proof. The three primary standards of proof are 1) proof beyond a reasonable doubt, 2) … Read more