correctional 6.2

 According to the text, Mental health treatment programs are essential in prisons as many prisoners suffer from mental health problems.  In many states, there are mixed responsibilities between correctional and mental health agencies. Review the categories of mental health treatment discussed in the course material. Should we provide inmates with free mental health treatment while … Read more

correctional 6.1

 Contraband is nonpermissible items that are forbidden from entering correctional facilities. All prisons have a specific list of designated contraband items, and it varies by state. Correctional Administrators must recognize that there are various approaches to prevent and control contraband in prisons. Discuss what tactics you would use to minimize and control contraband from being … Read more

frie 51

 In the last two decades our country has seen a dramatic increase in the frequency and severity of wildfires. There are different viewpoints on what policies should be adopted to reduce this risk. Some argue that smaller naturally occurring wildfires should be allowed to burn as they reduce fuel loads and are part of the … Read more

correctional 5.2

 An external environment can be controlled or uncontrolled. As a correctional leader, the optimal goal is to manage factors that can compromise the agency’s daily functions, which can be a noble yet challenging task. Identify three external organizations that can present threats to a correctional institution?  State one way in which you would combat the threat for … Read more

frie 4.1

 After viewing the ABC New Nightline report, and reading the New Yorker article on Cameron Todd Willingham, answer the following questions: What evidence did prosecutors use at trial to secure their conviction against Willingham? What is the counter-arguments presented in support of Willingham’s innocence?  What, if any, errors or inappropriate ideologies were used during the … Read more

correctional 4.2

 In most correction agencies, high staffing levels help to perform the daily functions of various positions; on any given day.  Correctional supervisors must be well trained to know the elements of their duties to supervise appropriately. What type of actions makes a good supervisor? Should a college degree be required to become a correctional supervisor? … Read more

correctional 4.1

 A key component of supervision in a correctional organization is that authority and responsibilities must be aligned and assigned for each role or position. Correctional agencies are paramilitary organizations that use the chain of command and span of control within their day-to-day operations. Explain a correction organization’s use of the chain of command and span … Read more

fire 3.2

 Digital cameras have revolutionized photography in general. However, their use in crime scene documentation is controversial. After reading the article, A New Way to Capture Crime Scenes, explain what you see as the pros and cons of traditional photography versus digital photography. As a Fire Investigator, how are photos used to document the scene? How … Read more

frie 2.2

 Imagine you are firefighter working in a public education program. You have been tasked with giving a presentation to a group of 10-year-old children. Explain what fire is to them and how fires start and grow. Differentiate between fire and combustion. 

fire 2.1

 There are different types of fuels and different ways they can burn in a fire. In a standard single-family home, discuss the biggest fuel loads. How would this differ from the fuel loads you would find in a McDonald’s? Discuss the components of the fire tetrahedron. If any part of this tetrahedron is removed, the … Read more