discussion post

In Week 1, you will be provided 5 five topics involving law enforcement technology. You will have 2 assignments (a Discussion Board and a white paper Individual Project). Like in a criminal justice professional conference seminar, you will pick the conferences that you wish to attend. You will select 1 of the 5 topics for … Read more

Fatal Police Shooting

https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/15/us/patrick-lyoya-shooting-witness/index.html  Use the link to answer the questions Analyze the listed ideas and discuss their relation to the United States Legal System. Reflect on how this subject matter may relate to your life and the life of others as well as popular culture in general. 150 Words

Criminal justice administration

 Focusing on the police, courts, and corrections systems, what are most pressing managerial and administrative issues facing these groups?  How can these be resolved, if at all?  What are the best approaches to administering justice in the US given the current political climate and ethical dilemmas?