Power point module 3-4

First upload: When you open it, it will show a PowerPoint with slides already made. It is your start file. Follow Project steps 1-22 on this PowerPoint. (NP_PPT365_2021_CS3-4a_Mac_JadaNelson_1) Second upload: It has all the instructions and 1-22 project steps you must follow. (Instructions_NP_PPT365_2021_CS3-4a_Mac) Third and fourth uploads: You must use these support files in the … Read more

PowerPoint Modules 1-2

First upload: When you open it, it will show a PowerPoint with slides already made. It is your start file. Follow Project steps 1-27 on this PowerPoint. Second upload: It has all the instructions and 1-27 project steps you must follow. Upload 3,4,5,6, and 7: These are all 5 of the uploads that it shows … Read more

WH Framework

  Refer to section “The WH Framework for Business Ethics” of Ch. 2, “Business Ethics” of Dynamic Business Law for information on the WH Framework. Review the scenario and complete the activity below. This scenario can also be found in the “Questions & Problems” section of Ch. 2, “Business Ethics” in Dynamic Business Law. Scenario: Steven J. Trzaska was the … Read more

Powerpoint/Google Slides

See attached.  SCENARIO: Select an organization you are familiar with or have worked for (currently or in the past). You are tasked with analyzing the organization both internally and externally using some of the tools and frameworks you have learned in this course. You are also tasked with recommending changes to the organization’s strategy and … Read more

Human Science

Students will create a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation showcasing the  Department of Human Sciences. Your goal is to persuade an undecided  student to want to further explore our department and find out more about  the department, if not join the department. 

power point presentation

  To Prepare: Reflect on drugs used to treat asthmatic patients, including long-term control and quick relief treatment options for patients. Think about the impact these drugs might have on patients, including adults and children. Consider how you might apply the stepwise approach to address the health needs of a patient in your practice. Reflect … Read more