Unit 1.2 DB: Feminisms

 Describe your understanding of feminism before you read chapter 1. Did your perspective change after reading the text? Explain. Identify which branch of feminism most closely aligns with your behaviors and perspective and why.  

Unit 8.2 DB: Personal Thoughts

  Discuss the role of science and research in human services. What final thoughts do you have about this process? How has your knowledge base changed as a professional? What advice would you give to a new student in human services about the role of research and best practices in human services? Share any final … Read more

Professional Development

 Human services professionals are required to continue to learn, engage, and stay current in their field of choice. Discuss your target population, future/current work goals, and how professional development will fit into your future career development. Why is this important? What else would you like to learn related to your future career?  


 Topic 8- Summer Learning Loss (Chapter 9): According to studies, all students return from summer vacation with decreased academic levels of achievement. For low-income students, however, the decrease is greater than that for middle-class children. What conditions may contribute to this difference? Discuss at least two (2) possible ways that the “summer loss gap” can … Read more

Multiple Relationships

 This week, you explored different types of multiple relationships. Some multiple relationships are unavoidable and unanticipated, such as human services professionals working in a rural community might have a neighbor as a client. However, other multiple relationships, such as developing a romantic relationship with a client should never happen. 

Confidentiality and Privacy with Telecommunication Devices

 As you learned this week, clients expect the information shared with their human services professionals to be kept private and confidential. With the increase in the use of technological devices (computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.) within the helping professions, human services professionals must be aware of potential concerns regarding confidentiality, privacy, and privileged communication.