Unit 3.1 DB: Models

 While it may be difficult to identify the causes of physical abuse, there are several models (the psychodynamic models, interactional models, and environmental-based models) that may lead a parent to engage in abusive behaviors. Select one of the models to discuss and then identify the risk factors that impact the family dynamics, parent, and/or child. In … Read more

Chapter 4 Case Study: The Case of Mary

 Mary is 42 years old, poor, periodically homeless, and often can be found delusional and talking to herself. When she has had a place to live, she has been placed on antipsychotic medication from the local mental health center. She reports that the medication helped her considerably. She talks about “needing to talk to someone” … Read more

Unit 2.3 DB: History of Counseling Post-1980

 In 2009, CACREP adopted a new focus on crisis, disaster, and trauma counseling. Explain the two ways this focus would have been helpful in the 1980’s during the cocaine crisis as well as two ways counselors were better prepared for the current opioid crisis. Explain your reasoning. Since the above-noted shift in 2009, explain the … Read more

Unit 2.2 DB: History of Counseling Pre-1980

Between 1900-1980, six different historical movements were identified. Identify the movement you believe contributed most to the field of counseling today and the one you believe is least impactful. Please incorporate one scholarly source for each movement you identify to explain your reasoning.  

Unit 1.2 DB: Characteristics of a Counselor 2 RESPONSES

1  In my opinion I feel three main characteristics an effective counselor should have is Acceptance, Genuineness, Cultural Competence. Because these are all able to cater to a wide variety of people given that counselors are working with people that sometimes are very different to them in every aspect of life. weather is be race, … Read more

Unit 1.2 DB: Characteristics of a Counselor

 Nine characteristics of effective counselors are outlined in Chapter 3. Of these, which do you believe are the three most important for a counselor to possess, and why? Do you believe someone can be an effective counselor without some of these characteristics? Why or why not? Then, identify someone in your life whether it’s a partner, family … Read more

Unit 1.1 DB: Defining Counseling

 Some counselors may tell you that they have always been the person their friends or family members go to for support. Please explore the difference between counseling in a professional role and that of support given to friends or family members. Based on the Unit reflection, the information you read in the text, and/or based on a conversation … Read more