Employee Evaluation 2 Responses

 In response to your peers, suggest ways to apply the evaluation or evaluation process to future work performance.    1# To be honest, my last job was about four years ago when I was working for a call center so my memory of my last performance evaluation, but I will do my best to answer … Read more

Unit 1.2 DB: Learning About Organizations

 Find a human service organization in your area and look through their website. After reviewing the information provided on the website, identify five additional things you would want to know about the organization before you would consider working for it. Additionally, what questions would you have specifically about the organization’s leadership or pose directly to … Read more

Human Service Professionals

 Review the additional resources provided this week about human service professionals and the different career opportunities. Which job category or career path would you say is your dream job? What skills, knowledge, and attitudes listed on the NOHS website do you already possess? Which ones would you need to build on to be successful in … Read more

Discussion: Multidimensional Influences

 Unit 1.1 Discussion: Multidimensional Influences The human condition is influenced biologically, psychologically, and socially.  Which multidimensional influence do you believe most impacts human functioning?  How can understanding these influences positively impact the social worker’s decision-making? 

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 2 Responses

 In response to your peers, please aim for at least one paragraph that provides additional information, a different perspective, or a follow-up question related to their post. Maintain a respectful and supportive tone, acknowledging and appreciating their contributions. The goal is to engage in a collaborative learning environment, allowing everyone to explore the topic further … Read more

Unit 6.1 DB: Case Study

  Dr. Kim is an experienced therapist with more than 15 years of practice.  He is a quiet and reserved man.  A new client, Susan, asked Dr. Kim for a hug at the end of a session.  Though feeling uncomfortable, he allowed it.  This happens at the end of the next 3 sessions and he … Read more

5.1 Criminal Behavior and Privacy 2 Responses

 In response to your peers, discuss strategies to alleviate the personal conflict you may feel about maintaining confidentiality relating to legal issues.  1# In the role of a counselor your first priority should be the well being and safety of your client, part of that means providing a safe environment where that client can express … Read more