discussion question wk 4

Know that when we talk about products offered by a business we are talking about actual goods, services, and ideas. Consider the following products: Coca-Cola Classic   Apple iPhone   Nike basketball shoes   L’Oreal Shampoo Pick one of these products, identify two competitors, and discuss what it is they offer that competes with your … Read more

Discussion wk 4

Know that when we talk about products offered by a business we are talking about actual goods, services, and ideas. Consider the following products: Coca-Cola Classic   Apple iPhone   Nike basketball shoes   L’Oreal Shampoo Pick one of these products, identify two competitors, and discuss what it is they offer that competes with your … Read more


See images of the four products that you will analyze in this discussion board post.  For this discussion, you are to advocate for one product that you feel will “diffuse” fastest. What are its strengths? Why will it succeed? Which products are likely to succeed? Why? Feel free to argue against products that you DON’T … Read more


  Step 1. – Choose one of the following three products to export: Whiskey from Fort Worth, TX.   Beef from Henrietta, TX. Calculators from Dallas, TX.   You get to choose the country to which you will export your product.  It will affect your findings.   Step 2. – Research the products, including the following points: Product … Read more