Com200 (3)

Describe your selected interpersonal communication skill improvement goal.   Explain why you selected this goal for yourself. How have you felt challenged in this skill area? How does improving this skill area benefit you?   Explain your improvement plan and the results.   Provide advice you would give to someone trying to make improvements in this skill area.  

ag flyer

Create a Flyer to advertise the type of substance abuse group you chose for your powerpoint presentation. Both your powerpoint presentation and flyer must be the same substance abuse treatment group submitted in your group proposal assignment. Include the following on your flyer: Type of group Days and times of group Duration of the group … Read more

Philosophy of Education

            Your assignment is to write a philosophy of education that addresses each component of the scoring guide provided. Essential guiding questions are provided below.          1.    What is the purpose of education? For society? For individuals?          2.    What factors influence curriculum? Political? Social? Economic?          3.    What are my personal goals as … Read more

hn w11

Research Milestones Content This week, you will draft the methodology. You should include all the part of the the methods: General Perspective Research Questions Research Methods Instrumentation Participants and Time Frame Limitations Expected Outcome Sample Questions Justification of Questions

gd 11

Why should every session and group have a closing? Think about the groups you have participated in…how did the facilitator close out the group? What was the closing phase of the 12 Angry Men group? How would the closing phase of a group dealing with bereavement differ from the closing phase of a task group … Read more

GD w10

Using the video as a guide, if you were facilitating a therapy group…  What would be the 3 outcome goals you would have for your therapy group?  What would be 3 process goals you would have for a therapy group? 

hn w9

Continue to work on your Literature Review (what you started in Milestone #6).  If you have finished the body sections of your review, this draft should include a sample of your Introduction and Purpose and Conclusion sections.  If you are not yet done with the body, this milestone should build on the body before you can move onto the Introduction … Read more

hn w8 asap

This milestone is all about drafting a much as you can of your Chapter 2: Literature Review. Remember, as discussed in class, you should begin by drafting the body sections of your literature review. Every body section will have its own Level 2 heading. It is up to you if you want to break that … Read more

ag w7.2

  1. Understanding Your Countertransference. As a group leader, you too have feelings! You might also have unfinished emotional business in your own life that could blur your objectivity at times in working with others who strike a chord in you. Put yourself into the following situations to see how any of them might fit for … Read more