
attend two open meetings of a twelve-step self-help group such as Alcoholics Anonymous, virtually or in person. Afterwards complete a write up using the form in Blackboard. Be sure to write down the feelings you experienced as a result of locating and finding such a meeting and your thoughts and reflections after attending the meeting. The … Read more

9 overview mp

“Friends Television Star” Matthew Perry.  Approximately one year ago Matthew was in the news sharing his story about his addiction. On Saturday he was found dead in his hot tub. Research his struggle with addiction and his death. Let’s use the discussion forum to share referenced information along with your thoughts about how the addiction … Read more

fe 8

1.Watch the TedTalk below on – Are You A Hybrid Professional 2.Answer the following questions: Define a professional title you currently have or will like to have in the human services field (i.e. Case Manager, Case Worker, Advocate, Counselor, etc…) and explain the responsibilities involved in your profession. Be specific in your title and job … Read more

w8 hn

Watch the TED Talk “It Take a Community to Eradicate Hate” Give your reaction to Elegbede’s talk. He says, “The lessons I’ve learned from these experiences are: there are good people in every community, and your community will stand shoulder to shoulder with you if you make it your business.” Do you think this is true? … Read more

W8 seminar

find a journal article that collects data through surveys. Respond to the following inquiries: What is the topic being studied and what makes it appropriate for a survey method? What is being measured by the survey (e.g. attitude, opinion, feelings, etc.) What type of survey is used (e.g. self-administered questionnaires, interview,telephone, online, etc.)? Be specific with … Read more

W7 research

you have covered a lot of material. The assignment is preparing you for the work on the literature review. It is important for all researchers to conduct an exhaustive research on the literature related to the proposed study. For the discussion this week, think about your study and discuss your thoughts on the importance of … Read more

W7 overview

Discuss how to proceed when a person answers “yes” to one of the Audit screen questions. Include the appropriate follow up questions important to gather all the necessary information needed for screening. Finally, include the recommendation for next steps after the screening is conducted., such as “Tell me more about this…”, “is this a concern … Read more

w6 research

What chapter has been the most helpful for you in wanting to complete a study. What chapter or area in research do you find the most challenging? There is no right or wrong response class. Just want to know your reaction to research as related to human services

w14 overview

watch the classic movie “Shattered Spirits”. It is an excellent tool to use for group as well as individual discussion. It is an old classic movie, but it conveys so much about addiction in the family and family roles. Then, participate in the discussion by providing insight and take away that you gained from the … Read more

overview 2

2-page reflection on the video clip. Add 2 additional references to explain the challenges and needs of the older population (50+). Discuss issues that need attention, especially medical, treatment, addiction, and other needs. Identify some (4) services that would help this population.